Peer learning event on Guiding at risk youth through learning to work PLENARY: Information technology as a platform for learning and career management AIKOS – the OPEN INFORMATION, COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE SYSTEM Ms Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science Lithuania 27 November 2009
2 Open Information, Counselling and Guidance System (AIKOS) – the main portal on learning opportunities in Lithuania Launched in 2008 The project on development of the AIKOS was initiated and financed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the EU structural funds.
3 Data providers – Ministry of Education and Science, Department of Statistics of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Labour Exchange, Labour Market Training Authority. Technical support and administration – Centre of Information Technologies of Education. Administration of the s and FAQ – Career Planning Unit (placed at the Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre)
4 Policy context: Lifelong learning strategy and Employment strategy National Career Guidance Strategy (2004): The term career services covers a wide area of information, guidance and counselling activities, including print-based or ICT-based services to disseminate information about occupations and learning opportunities, often with contact points for further assistance.
5 Conceptualisation: Aim of the portal – assisting individuals to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers by ensuring access to relevant information, tools and opportunity to receive advice or further assistance from guidance counsellors. Lifelong learning and lifelong guidance perspective. Main portal entries – pupils at general education schools, applicants for the vocational and higher education schools, individuals seeking further or new qualification.
6 Groups of users (drop-outs, pupils parents, guidance counsellors, policymakers, employers, disabled, immigrants, (ex)inmates, registered users). Main information items (occupations, qalifications, programmes, institutions, certificates, licenses, classifications, other)
7 Process of development: Detailed survey of the national and international guidance portals Analysis of the existing data on education and labour market (registers, databases): programmes and institutions, qualifications, licences, occupations, admission rules, classifications, certificates, education and labour market statistics, other. Education and labour market intersectoral cooperation – common data pool Integration and exchange of various data on the level of national registers databases and EU portals (PLOTEUS)
8 Functionality: Information provision (daily updates, current and chronological information, content management, news alerts) Information resource for guidance practitioners (both education and labour market sectors) Search functions (quick and advanced search) Comparison and analysis (structured, standardised descriptions)
9 Statistics and surveys (comparative data tables and graphics, quick votes) Contacts with career information counsellors ( s, FAQ, list of the 700 designated Career Information Points) Links to the questionnaires (occupational interests, personal characteristics, other) Distance learning (training programme for the career information counsellors)
10 National Career guidance Strategy (2004). Attitude towards disadvantaged groups of users There diversity of users of career guidance and information is growing; The national career guidance strategy does not provide definition of the young people at-risk or at-risk group. Although it stresses the need to provide career services and tailored support for disadvantaged groups, for drop-outs and individuals with special needs – disabled, (ex)inmates, military, long-term unemployed, ethnic minorities, immigrants.
11 Current statistics: Monthly rate of entries to AIKOS: Entries to sections with specialised information (maximum daily values): guidance counsellors: 4800 drop-outs: 2452 parents: 896 disabled: 796 immigrants: 74 (ex)inmates: 46
12 Factors that might discourage risk-groups youth from using the portal: poor digital competence low motivation to learn Factors that might discourage risk-groups youth from seeking further assistance of guidance counsellors (e.g. working at Career Information Points): poor interpersonal/social competencies institutional barriers (drop-outs might be less willing to use guidance services provided at schools than at other – labour market, community centres)
13 Ministry of Education and Science National Programme for Career Guidance in the Educational System ( ) Priorities: further development of the career guidance system improving guidance management, infrastructure and contents: career education and career monitoring models, training of specialists, methodology and guidance tools, further development of AIKOS system
14 Further developing of the web-sites functionality, design and other aspects to make them better correspond to the guidance needs, age and other characteristics of the groups of users (for pupils – occupations/job descriptions, world of work; for applicants – career interests inventories, learning opportunities, description of the different career paths, other). Developing spaces in the portal for the individualised career work (e.g. personal learning or career account, e-portfolio), as well as for the interactive career work (chat mode, video- conferencing other).
15 Multi-channel approach/combination of different modes of guidance services (mail, chat, telephone, face-to-face, etc.). Developing system for the monitoring of the students career Developing system for the monitoring of the guidance services provision, for better coordination of guidance activities on national and municipality level.
16 Questions for the further development of AIKOS: Level of the integration and specialisation/diversification (broad users profile vs specialised users profile) Criteria of sufficient amount of information (minimising the risk of overload of information) Balance of: - long-term priorities (building career management skills, focus on empowering) and short-term priorities (successful choice of learning opportunity and further employment, focus on help and support) - user-centred and supply-centred approach
17 Level of the participation of the users and social partners in the development of the portal Users surveys, feedback to learning opportunity providers Intersectoral cooperation: links to other policy initiatives – database of drop-outs, Guidelines for students retention, other Guidance about guidance, better marketing of services
18 Thank you for your attention! Ms Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Department of Vocational and Continuing Education Senior specialist of the Registers and Information Systems Management Division A. Volano str. 2/7, LT Vilnius, Lithuania Tel