Note to teacher: How to use this template After reading this slide, and completing the PPT with your own information, delete this slide. This PPT will be used to present the WebQuest to the students. It will contain links to sites that you wish the students to use. You may want to consider posting this PPT to your web site or the common folder for students to access. Each slide in the presentation gives you directions for what to put on the slide. Delete the directions and type in your own information. Feel free to change the design of the PPT.
Title of Lesson A WebQuest for Xth Grade (Put Subject Here) Designed by – Your name & address
Introduction This sets the stage for subsequent learning activities. It should also pique student’s interest in the project. A short paragraph is sufficient
Task Describe the overall task of the project. What do you expect to be the outcome of the project? Is there an essential “research” question? How will students work in groups? What types of roles will students be assuming? Longer paragraph – or 2 short paragraphs
Resources Include a list of all tangible materials needed and electronic resources to be consulted. This is a list – not a paragraph
Process Include step-by-step instructions with leading questions and embedded web links to complete the task. Indicate how groups are chosen and fully describe individual roles. How does the process lead the students to a concluding product or experience? Make sure the final outcome is obvious and fully developed. How long should the WebQuest take to complete? Probably the longest written part; more than one slide may be needed.
Evaluation Include a rubric that students can consult. Use the rubric to evaluate student work. Use clear and concise language that is aligned in some way to selected standards. Rubric content should be applicable by others – not just your classroom. Use a chart or scale.
Conclusion Congratulate the students on what they have accomplished. Restate intended outcomes ina conversational, upbeat writing style. A short paragraph is all that is needed.
Standards Include the following standards (The number will vary depending on your WebQuest. More than one slide may be needed) Ohio Academic Content Standards – specific content area i.e. Math, Language Arts. Guidelines for Effective School Library Media Programs in Ohio Ohio Academic Content Standards for Technology
Teacher Notes Include things a teacher may need to know to be successful implementing the WebQuest. Include an additional lesson if applicable.
Citations Important: This is a list of citations to the use of copyrighted materials. Cite all print, non-print, graphics, backgrounds, websites, etc. that are inserted into your WebQuest. Use APA Templates from PowerPoint do not need to be cited because they come from the software application.