4:00 – 4:05Am Welcome 4:05 - 4: 35Am Shared Expertise 4:35 – 6:00 Am WebQuest 6:00 - 6:15 Pm Prayer Break 6:15 - 7:15 Pm WebQuest Presentation 7:15 - 7: 30 Pm Reflection and Feed back
4 est1/AlcoholandPerformance.html Pay attention to the website, answer these questions? What is WebQuset? What are the main parts of the WebQuest?
“An inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet.” Bernie Dodge, San Diego University
Engage Students Research is More Organized Accommodate multiple learning levels A great alternative to the standard “research paper” project Ensures that students are using reliable websites to find their information
1- Choose Your Theme 2- Decide on a Format PowerPoint-Based Website-Based Paper based. 3- Compile Necessary Resources 4- Find Appropriate Graphics
Short term Designed to be completed in one to three class periods Longer term Designed to take between one week and one month
Picking a Starting Point Should be based on a curriculum standard Should make good use of the Web Should require a level of understanding, not just rote learning
Introduction Task General objectives of the project Process Individual Tasks Necessary Resources Conclusion What should they have learned from the project? Evaluation Rubric/Grading Criteria
A concise paragraph or two that supplies students with background information and motivation for completing the project. Includes a question that students will ponder.
Provides a clear outline of what students will accomplish or need to do. The task is considered the single most important part of a WebQuest. Task categories- retelling, compilation, mystery, journalistic, design, creative product, consensus building, persuasion, self-knowledge, analytical, judgement, scientific
A rubric that evaluates the work of each student team and should relate specifically to the central task.
A WebQuest TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
You have just been hired as a zookeeper by the Atlanta Zoo. Last night animals escaped from their cages. Nobody remembers what animals we in the cages. All that is left in the cages are the habitats! TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
There are 3 empty cages in the Atlanta Zoo. You need to read the descriptions of the habitats in each cage and recommend 3 animals that could survive in each cage. You need to make sure that you include at least 1 animal from each group among the 3 cages. You can’t add anything except food to the cage. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
There are bars around the cage so the animals can’t get out. Inside the cage are many trees with an open space in the middle. On the side of the cage is a rocky area. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
This cage has a lot of water. On the right of the cage is a blue-green body of water. On the left side is a body of water covered with green stuff. There are some muddy areas which lead to grass. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Habitat 3 There are solid walls as well as a top so the animals can’t escape. It is very warm inside the cage. There is a small stream down rocks in the back of the cage. There are a few trees along the sides of the cage. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
ResearchRecorderIllustrator Find information about the 5 groups of animals. Find information about the animals you recommend to put in the cages. Record information about the 5 animal groups. Record information found about the animals you recommend to pun in cages. Draw a picture of each animal you will include in your habitat. Make sure to label the animal and habitat the animal will live in. You will work together in groups of 3 to find animals. Each person will have a different job. You will all present your recommendations to the zoo staff. Make sure you can explain WHY each animal should go in the recommended cage. Step 1: TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Use the “Habitat Recording Sheet” and visit the following websites that have information about animal groups and animals. Make notes about what the animals need to survive and what kind of habitat the animal would need.Habitat Recording Sheet Animal Websites: Birds: Amphibians: Fish: Reptiles: Mammals: Animals: Zoo Animals: TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Once you have completed research on animals and animal groups, decide which animals you will put in each cage. Draw a picture of the animals in each cage. Make sure you label habitat and the animals in the habitat. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Present you recommendations of animals to the zoo staff. Make sure you can explain why you are recommending the animals for each habitat. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Each group will be evaluated by the teacher using the Group WebQuest Rubric. TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
Now that you have learned about animals and animal groups you have been promoted to Head Zoo Keeper! Great Work! TitleTitle Introduction Task Process Evaluation ConclusionIntroductionTask ProcessEvaluation Conclusion
The first question you need to ask yourself is… Should I make a WebQuest or use one I found on the Internet?
You can find a lot of already made WebQuests online with a little search.
Sometimes you can find a WebQuest that needs only minor adaptations. Use the following website for ideas on how to modify it to best meet your needs.
Use a free online resource: ◦ Filamentality Filamentality This website allows you many options in creating your WebQuest online. ◦ teAchnology teAchnology This website allows you to fill in the blanks and creates a WebQuest for you. Make sure to Save File onto your computer after creating it.
Create a word document outlining all the 6 steps. Include the websites on this document. The following template could be helpful: Word Template
Create a PowerPoint with hyperlinks between pages You can use one of the following templates as a starting point to your PowerPoint WebQuest Template One look for PowerQuest Template)
SSit in pairs or groups (max 3) according to your subject. You have to do two tasks: 1. The leader of the group choose one ready made webQuest, evaluate it using WebQuest rubric. 2. Do your own WebQuest. 3. Each group will present their WebQuest. 33
Biology: Is gene therapy worth it? m m Physics:ROLLER COASTER PHYSICS content/rollercoast.shtml content/rollercoast.shtml Chemistry: Extra! Extra! Read all about it...Organics Hit the Market! t/science/chem.html t/science/chem.html Chemistry: THE CHEMISTRY OF FIREWORKS content/fireworks.shtml content/fireworks.shtml 34
You can find more examples in the following websites est/index.html est/index.html
Use WebQuest Strategy in your classroom. Bring the daily lesson plan. Evidence of students work. The reflection on your lesson. 36