Holocaust Webquest BY NICK HOUK
Introduction In the spring your class wil be traveling to the nation’s capital which is Washington, D.C. While you are there you will be visiting many places, among those places will be the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Most people think of he Jewish religion when they hear the word Holocaust. There were many other religions involved such as Romani people (Gypsies), and Roman Catholics. We are going to split into groups of 3 and everyone will be assigned to a task that will help us get some background information before we go on our trip. Each group will be assigned one of the following religions to study: Jewish, Romani People, and Roman Catholics. Each person in the group will have 1 of 3 tasks to complete. Those tasks are: Historian, Mapper, and Camp Finder. Each of these will be described, everyone in the group will be responsible for finding pictures for the final presentation.
Learning Targets I will discuss the involvement of the religion assigned to my group in the Holocaust. I will analyze the reasoning behind Adolf Hitler trying to get rid of the religion assigned and write a persuasive paper backing up your opinions with evidence from your research.
Procedures 1) Groups will be assigned by the teacher, but the tasks or roles of the group member will be chosen by choice (Hisotrian, Mapper, and Camp Finder). 2) Once the roles are handed out to the group members go to the slide that is labeled with your religion and there will be links for each role to find and research their topic. (Please take a look at the last slide to review the rubic for the research rubric on how you will be graded. 3) Once each member has found their information on the topic, discuss what you have learned and come up with an idea for your final group presentation. 4) Begin constructing your final group presentation piece. 5) Present your final piece to the class (look at last slide for presentation rubric).
Tasks You will be placed in groups of 3 and each of you will have a role. You are to research the information based on your role about your specific religion. Your roles will be: Historian: Find background information on the religion as far as views. Also, find a timeframe of when the people of that religion started being murdered. Mapper: Research and produce YOUR own map of population distribution your religion held before the Holocaust. You may have to take a picture of your map and it to yourself for final presentation. Camp Finder: Find 3 concentration/ death camps that house people from your religion during the holocaust. Place these 3 camps on a separate map from the mapper and tell what type of camp they were.
Jewish Historian: Mapper: &MediaId=358 &MediaId=358 Camp Finder:
Romani People (Gypies) Historian: Mapper: &MediaId=359 &MediaId=359 Camp Finder:
Roman Catholic Historian: Mapper: ng_World_War_II ng_World_War_II The countries listed all held Roman Catholics, you will need to find your own map and display the countries. Camp Finder: Camp Camp You only have one concentration camp to research and label be prepared to talk about who was located there and why.
Presentation After researching the religion that you were assigned, you are going to be expected to give a presentation to the class on what you have learned. You can choose from the options below make sure to include pictures from your research. PowerPoint Prezi Poster Video Come up with your own but must be approved by the teacher
Extension Now that you have done your research I want you to take a second and think about what exactly Adolf Hitler was thinking by trying to rid Europe of these religions. Write your thoughts in an essay format. Were there any tactical advantages to doing getting rid of the religions, why or why not?
Webquest Rubrics Research Rubric: = & Presentation Rubric = &