Potowatomi Michael, Jack, and Teddy
Homes The Potowatomi lived in Wigwams. The Wigwams were 10ft tall. The Wigwams were made of wooden frames, woven mats, and sheets of birch bark. Wigwams are small houses. The Wigwams are 8-10ft tall. The Wigwams have different kinds of strange shapes.
Food How did they get it What did they eat The Potowatomi ate 150,000 pieces of corn and wild birds. The Potowatomi planted and harvest. The Potowatomi used knockers for wild rice. How did they get it The Potowatomi used bow and arrows , wooden clubs ,and buckets for maple syrup. The Potowatomi used spears and nets to catch fish. o
Clothing Men The Potowatomi men wore breechcloths ,deerskin shirts, and leggings and they wore leather head bands, or two feathers standing on the back. Some of the clothes were made of Deerskin/ Buckskin. The Potowatomi men’s clothes were brown with strips on the clothes. Women The Potowatomi women wore Deerskin dresses, and Beadwork ribbons. The materials were made out of Deerskin. The Potowatomi women clothes were colorful and lots of shapes.
Special Skills The Potowatomi Special skill was farming. The activities they played team ball games like Lacrosse. The Potowatomi had a lot of work to do like hunting and building Wigwams so they have something to eat and to live in.
Roles of Men and Women Adults (men and women) Children The Potowatomi Men went to war to stop the enemy, Women farmed and took care of the children and cooked the food. Children The Potowatomi boys helped the men set the traps for food and the boys didn’t play a lot they were very responsible. The girls helped the women make the houses.
Resources Eric Newengham-Member of the Odawa tribe The Mitten-September 2001 issue Michigan Social Studies Weekly-Vol. 8 Issue 1, First Quarter Week 7 Great State Michigan-October 2004 issue http://www.bigorrin.org/potawatomi_kids.htm
Where did they live? The Potowatomi lived in central part of Michigan’s lower peninsula and they also lived in states like Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Ontario (Canada), and Wisconsin.