Regional experiences of implementation of the Structural Funds to SMEs in Poland Bureaucratic barriers and ways of changes Speaker: Dariusz Kaluzny Chairman of the Board Regional Development Agency in Konin Wielkopolska Region Poland Brussels
Regional Development Agency in Konin Speaker – Chairman of the Board in Regional Development Agency since In years member of Monitoring Committee for ERDF Funds in Wielkopolska and Programming Committee for new Regional Development Strategy in Wielkopolska. Organization - Regional Development Agency in Konin - a non- governmental organization responsible for regional development in Wielkopolska region. Main activities covers: advisory, training and information activities for SMEs and local authorities, administrating as the Regional Financial Institution of implementation of pre-accession and structural funds in Wielkopolska, active participation in different European projects and initiatives.
Wielkopolska Region One of the largest region in Poland – inhabitants, More then SMEs, One of the most dynamic and developed region, More than grants for SME from pre-accession and structural funds, more than euro in grant schemes for SMEs.
Diagnosis Young staff in the Polish administration, Low experience, fear of mistake, High rotation of people from public to private sector – lack of motivation systems,
Diagnosis Low experiences of central and regional administration in programming, Beginning of implementation programs for SMEs in 2004 with many doubts and mistakes, Changes of different elements of documents, Low use of good practices from pre-accession PHARE programs.
Practice Very complicated procedure prepared for implementation Structural Funds for SMEs, Very broad, detailed instructions, with many doubts Lots of documents necessary at the beginning of period of formal analysis,
Practice Low efficiency of use TA for increasing knowledge of administration, Lack of professional trainings and workshops, Lack of experts, polish or foreign, Low impact of pre-accession advisors for preparation of Polish administration.
Proposition for Creation of adequate training and education programs for administration, Implementation of standards in administration, Creation and strengthening of ethics, System of motivation,
Proposition for Increase of efficiency of the Polish central and regional administration, Professionalism of the Polish administration, Good governance.
Dariusz Kaluzny Regional Development Agency in Konin 8 Makowa Street, Konin, Poland Phone: , Fax: ,