POLYPROPYLENE! One Popular Polymer!
What’s so great about POLYPROPYLENE? High Melting Point (dishwasher safe!) Intermediate crystallinity: tough without being brittle High resistance to fatigue (living hinge) Chemically Inert CHEAP to MAKE!!!
Polypropylene comes from Propylene!
Synthesis 1. Zeigler-Natta polymerization: TiCl3 + Al(C2H5)2Cl, or TiCl4 + Al(C2H5)3
Synthesis 2) Kaminsky Catalysts: Metallocene A metallocene is a positively charged metal ion sandwiched between two negatively charged cyclopentadienyl anions.
The era of Polypropylene & Polyethylene Courtesy of Mr. Hogan and Mr. Banks
Polypropylene is Useful...
How much polypropylene is out there? Product CategoryEstimated US Generation Durable Goods1,030,000 Non Durables*740,000 Other Plastic Containers70,000 Bags, Sacks, Wraps430,000 Other Plastic packaging**310,000 Total Generated2,580,000 PP generation in 1996 (tons) Source: EPA, Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1997 Update * Includes plastics in disposable diapers, clothing, footwear, etc. ** Other plastics packaging includes coatings, closures, caps, trays, shapes, etc.
Longevity: ? 100s of years “Plastics numbered 3-7 have very limited markets, and the cost to separate and ship these small volume plastics is in excess of $12,000 per month.” - Madison pride recycling program Madison, WI Roughly 25,000 tons were recycled in 1996 (that’s 1%) The only way to get rid of it is to burn it.
“Polypropylene”, Wikipedia. 11/1/05http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polypropylene “Plastics Recycling Information Sheet”, Waste Online. 11/7/05 “Plastics Recycling” and “Polypropylene PP”, British Plastics Federation. and 11/7/ “Polypropylene”, Macrogalleria. 11/1/05http:// 11/1/05 “Polypropylene PP”, Bird Box Company, 11/7/05http:// “Recycling Symbols (US)”, Earth Odessy LLC. 11/7/05http:// “Stonyfield Farm and Environmental Packaging”, Stonyfield Farm. 11/7/05 “UV Damage to Polymers”, UN Environment Program /7/05http:// 11/7/05 “Chemical of the Week: Polymers” Science is Fun. 11/1/05 “Plastic: PP (#5) Commodity Profile of market Assessment”, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/ Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance. Bibliography