European Inland Waterway Transport Policy - NAIADES – UNECE Inland Transport Committee, Working Party on Inland Water Transport, 53 Session 4 November.


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Presentation transcript:

European Inland Waterway Transport Policy - NAIADES – UNECE Inland Transport Committee, Working Party on Inland Water Transport, 53 Session 4 November 2009, Geneva Pawel Stelmaszczyk, HoU, DG TREN EUROPEAN COMMISSION

2 Agenda. Facts & Figures. EU Common Transport Policy. Inland Waterway Transport Policy – NAIADES. Excursus “Technical Requirements” and “Boatmasters’ certificates”

Facts and figures (1) > km of waterways connect 100s of cities and industrial regions 20 out of 27 Member States have inland waterways

4 Facts and figures (2). 20/27 Member States have inland waterways. 12 are connected. Modal share of IWT: ca. 6% of total inland transport. Modal share in NW Europe: up to 43%. 500 million tons of freight p.a billion ton-kilometres p.a vessels = trucks. ca enterprises. ca employees

5 EU Common Transport Policy (1). White Paper: European transport policy for 2010: time to decide (COM (2001) 370, 12/09/2001). Mid-term Review of the 2001 White Paper (COM (2006) 314, 22/06/2006). Future of Transport » Ongoing revision of the European transport policy » Communication “A sustainable future for transport” (COM (2009) 279, 17/06/2009) » Public Consultation closed 30 September 2009 » 2 nd High-Level Conference 20 November 2009

6 EU Common Transport Policy (2). TEN-T policy revision » Green paper on the future of the TEN-T network and policy (COM (2009) 44, 4/2/2009) » Public consultations, TEN-T days Naples in October 2009 » Process is supported by expert groups » Possible legislative action foreseen for late 2010

7 EU Common Transport Policy (3) - Objectives for Inland Waterway Transport -. to promote and strengthen the competitive position of inland waterway transport in the transport system. to facilitate its integration into the intermodal logistic chain. to create favourable conditions for the further development and innovation of the sector. to encourage companies to use this mode of transport

8 EU Inland Waterway Transport Policy (1) - NAIADES -. Beginning of 2006 the EC launched for the first time a comprehensive inland waterway transport policy and a a multi-annual action programme for the promotion of inland waterway transport – NAIADES. Instruments ? » Legislative measures, policy measures, financial support. Who ? » European Union, Member States, industry, social partners, river commissions, European Commission. When ? »

9 NAIADES – Five areas (2) 9 1.MARKET » Create favourable conditions for services 2.FLEET » Stimulate fleet modernisation and innovation 3.JOBS AND SKILLS » Promote jobs and skills 4.IMAGE AND AWARENESS » Improve image and knowledge of IWT 5.INFRASTRUCTURE » Provide adequate infrastructure

10 NAIADES - PLATINA (3). In order to support the EC in the implementation of NAIADES, a platform for the implementation of NAIADES was launched – PLATINA. PLATINA is a project within the 7 th Framework Programme for Research, Technology Development and Demonstration. PLATINA is aimed at coordinating and supporting research activities and policies. PLATINA runs from 06/2008 to 05/2012. PLATINA is organised around the five NAIADES action areas (markets, fleet, jobs & skills, image, infrastructure). PLATINA is strategically guided by key industrial stakeholders, associations and Member States administrations.

11 NAIADES – Five areas (4) 1.MARKETS – Create favourable conditions for services. Attract new markets » Investigate and implement new logistics concepts » Services for intermodal transport » Improve co-operation between modes and within the sector. Encourage entrepreneurship » Attract newcomers » Facilitate access to finance for SMEs. Improve administrative and regulatory framework » Abolish administrative barriers to IWT development » Ensure a level playing field » Improve co-ordination between relevant public services 2.FLEET – Stimulate fleet modernisations and innovation. Improve logistics efficiency, safety and environmental performance of IWT » Develop and facilitate use of innovative vessel concepts and technologies » Encourage use of safety-enhancing technologies » Encourage use of eco-efficient engines and renewable energy sources » Develop refit concepts for existing vessels 3.JOBS & SKILLS – Promote Jobs and skills. Attract workforce » Improve working and social conditions » Stimulate labour mobility » Create awareness and improve career » Enhance cooperation regarding mutual recognition of qualifications. Invest in human capital » Preserve education and training » Stimulate life-long learning

12 NAIADES – Five areas (5) 4.IMAGE – Improve image and knowledge of IWT. Promote inland navigation as a successful partner in business » Support and coordinate promotion activities » Influence logistics decision-making by public relations. Set up and expand EU IWT promotion and development network » Set up national promotion and development structures » Provide political, practical and financial support for promotion centres » Appoint national focal points within administrations » Integrate national promotion structures and focal points into a European network. Monitor trends and developments within the IWT market » Harmonise collection of data at all levels » Ensure availability of compatible source data 5.INFRASTRUCTURE – Provide adequate infrastructure. Improve multi-modal network » Maintain and improve the European IWT network » Foster the mutual understanding of multi-purpose use of waterways » Encourage the development of port and transhipment facilities – also in candidate and associated countries » (Re)develop industrial sites nearby waterways. Implement River Information Services » Support and co-ordinate development and implementation of RIS in Europe

13 NAIADES – Examples of achievements and work on-going and in preparation (6). Legislative measures Achievements: » Directive on technical requirements » Directive on statistics of good transport by inland waterways » De-minimis rules » Directive on the transport of dangerous goods » Directive on fuel quality On-going/in preparation: » Manning requirements » Boatmasters’ certificates » Education and training

14 NAIADES – Examples of achievements and work on-going and in preparation (7). Policy measures Achievements: » Funding handbook » Screening of administrative and regulatory barriers On-going/in preparation: » Market observation » Social dialogue (working time, professional profiles etc) » Infrastructure Development Plan

15 NAIADES – Examples of achievements and work on-going and in preparation (8). Support measures Achievements: » Simplified access to the Marco Polo II programme for the IWT sector and doubling of actual funding per tkm shifted from road » First successful TEN-T call for proposals in the area of River Information Services. On-going: » Support to promotion structures under the DG TREN grant programme

16 Excursus (1): Technical requirements - state of play. DIRECTIVE 2006/87 EC, as AMENDED. RHINE VESSEL INSPECTION REGULATIONS (RVIR). UN-ECE RESOLUTION 61. Annex II from the Directive and RVIR are made equivalent. Resolution 61 has been reformed into the same structure as RVIR and Annex II

17 Excursus (2): Harmonisation of boatmasters’ certificates – state of play. Directive 96/50 EC of 23 July Collection of external expertise completed » the final report of the external study available on Impact assessment by the Commission services on- going. Subject to the result of the impact assessment the Commission may possibly come forward with a legislative proposal in 2010

18 Thank you for your attention Pawel STELMASZCZYK European Commission, DG Energy and Transport Unit B 3 - Logistics, co-modality, inland waterways, motorways of the sea & Marco Polo