ICT policies and the Lisbon Agenda Baltic IT&T 2005 Riga, 7 April 2005 Frans de Bruïne Director “Lisbon Strategy and Policies for the Information Society”


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Presentation transcript:

ICT policies and the Lisbon Agenda Baltic IT&T 2005 Riga, 7 April 2005 Frans de Bruïne Director “Lisbon Strategy and Policies for the Information Society” Information Society and Media Directorate General Frans de Bruïne Director “Lisbon Strategy and Policies for the Information Society” Information Society and Media Directorate General

Page 2 Structure of presentation Revised Lisbon Agenda Revised Lisbon Agenda Importance of ICT Importance of ICT ICT policies of EU beyond 2005 ICT policies of EU beyond 2005 Conclusion Conclusion

Page 3 The revised Lisbon strategy Why the relaunch is needed Why the relaunch is needed  Make a success of our recent enlargement,  Meet the challenge of global competition, and  Prepare our social systems, our labour markets and our society for an ageing population How to reach our goals How to reach our goals  Shared responsibility, a common effort is needed  National Reform Programmes: The Latvian programme will set out what your country will do

Page 4 The revised Lisbon strategy Make the EU attractive for investment and work Make the EU attractive for investment and work  Partnership with Member States  Enlarged internal market  Investing more in 21st century TEN networks Knowledge and innovation => ICT Knowledge and innovation => ICT  Boosting business and public investment in research, innovation and education  Creating regional innovation poles and supporting European excellence in key technology areas More and better jobs More and better jobs  Targeting employment policies on getting people into jobs  Modernising social security systems  Tackling the digital divide

Page 5 7th Framework Programme for RTD, Budget: million € (incl. FUSION) Budget: million € (incl. FUSION) Increase of EU’s research efforts and better exploitation of capacities Increase of EU’s research efforts and better exploitation of capacities Commission proposes doubling of funding Commission proposes doubling of funding Continuity and simplification of procedures Continuity and simplification of procedures Creation of European poles of excellence Creation of European poles of excellence In ICT: budget million € In ICT: budget million €  Societal: Benefits to citizens, businesses and governments  Competition: Reinforce the position of European ICT sector

Page 6 Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), Proposed budget 4213 million € Proposed budget 4213 million € New programme to boost growth and jobs in Europe New programme to boost growth and jobs in Europe SMEs, ICTs, renewable energy SMEs, ICTs, renewable energy ICT budget 802 million € ICT budget 802 million €  Supports i2010 initiative and complementary to research investments in EU  Stimulates innovation through wider adoption and better use of ICT  Continues the work done in eTen, eContentplus, MODINIS programmes

Page 7 ICT – Key to Future Wealth and Welfare ICT – an important sector in its own right ICT – an important sector in its own right  From 4% of EU GDP in early 90s to 8% today ICT – a key enabler for productivity growth & competitiveness ICT – a key enabler for productivity growth & competitiveness  ICT investments contribute half of Europe’s productivity gains ICT – a facilitator for more efficient public services ICT – a facilitator for more efficient public services  ICT also allows more participation in democracy and public life ICT – providing tools for addressing societal challenges ICT – providing tools for addressing societal challenges  Ageing population, healthcare, security etc. ICT – underpinning progress in all science & technology fields ICT – underpinning progress in all science & technology fields  GÉANT, the world-leading research network, Grid infrastructures etc.

Page 8 Kok Report “Facing the Challenge : The Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Employment” Report from the High Level Group Chaired by Wim Kok, November 2004 “ The EU needs a comprehensive and holistic strategy to spur on the growth of the ICT sector and the diffusion of ICTs in all parts of the economy”

Page 9 European IS Policy initiatives eEurope 2002 eEurope eEurope 2005 Lisbon Mid-term review 2005 Aim: get Europe on-line Aim: Accession & Candidate Countries on-line Aim: e-Services on secure BB infrastructure Lisbon Agenda to 2010 Aims: Information SpaceInformation Space Innovation & Investment in R&DInnovation & Investment in R&D e-Inclusione-Inclusion 2006 i2010

Page 10 The Turning Point “The golden age is ICT for the next two decades” C.Perez, 22/11/2004 Amsterdam First yearsSecond years impact We are here

Page 11 New i2010 initiative Single Information Space Single Information Space  Delivering services anywhere, anytime over high-speed seamless networks  Promoting the availability of content  Increasing the security of networks Innovation and investment in research Innovation and investment in research  Identifying emerging trends  Promoting research in and deployment of ICT through partnerships Inclusion, better public services and quality of life Inclusion, better public services and quality of life  ICT accessible by all  ICT improves quality of life

Page 12 i2010 – What is different from eEurope? Convincing evidence of the positive effects of ICT Convincing evidence of the positive effects of ICT ICT world is more mature and global => from a pilot phase to wide deployment ICT world is more mature and global => from a pilot phase to wide deployment Covers the whole of EU Information society and media policies: Covers the whole of EU Information society and media policies:  Regulation, research and deployment Emphasis on convergence, content, public services and quality of life Emphasis on convergence, content, public services and quality of life New ways to implement New ways to implement

Page 13 i2010: How will it work? Partnership is key Partnership is key  With Member States, stakeholders, other countries Designed as an umbrella for all INFSO activities (regulation, research and deployment) with a strong link with the renewed Lisbon agenda: Designed as an umbrella for all INFSO activities (regulation, research and deployment) with a strong link with the renewed Lisbon agenda:  Overall objectives for the 5 year period  Focus on a certain number of actions to be reviewed on a yearly basis => “Rolling action plans”

Page 14 i2010: The way forward Communication and coordination: Communication and coordination:  Annual reports and benchmarking  Exchange of best practice Policy development and coordination: Policy development and coordination:  eEurope Advisory group  Cooperation with stakeholders Financial support: Financial support: eTen, MODINIS, ICT policy support programme Communicating impact and results Communicating impact and results An initiative with teeth

Page 15 ConclusionConclusion Knowledge is key to Lisbon Knowledge is key to Lisbon ICT core element ICT core element i2010: A holistic approach i2010: A holistic approach Substantial budgets proposed Substantial budgets proposed Partnership with Member States Partnership with Member States Public and private sectors are key Public and private sectors are key Competitiveness through cooperation Competitiveness through cooperation ICT for growth and jobs