1 e-Business Projects Alicante, 9 March 2007
2 Contents Ongoing Projects Planned Projects
3 Online Access to Files Features Extension of CTM-ONLINE Copy of FileNet Identical document structure Scope: Provide online access to CTM documents with statutory exclusions. Online form to request inspection of file and payment. Status: Partial extraction of documents after 01/01/05 - present, External user test session end Mar. 07
4 FindRep Scope:Online system to search for OHIM representatives (CTMs and RCDs). Personal Data Management system to allow MyPage users to modify their data and that of their clients. Status:Development started October 2006; estimated go live Mar 07 Features FindRep CTM and RCD reps Extended search criteria Personal Data Management Online form Automated back office processing
5 OPPO-ONLINE Scope:Online gateway to the opposition proceedings handled by EUROMARC++. Status: Analysis, go live 3 to 6 months after EM st semester Features Task-based Provides opposition and milestone managers Forwards opposition requests to the CTM- OPPO module of EUROMARC++.
6 e-Payment CTM e-Renewal Scope: Payment by credit card in e-filing CTM Status: BO in progress; FO ready for test; 3 rd quarter 2007 Features Link to efiling VISA, MasterCard and EuroCard VISA Bank
7 e-filing RCD incl. MYPAGE Scope:Improvements to initial RCD e-filing and connection to MyPage for RCD users. Status: IT Development; target date – 2 nd quarter 2008 Features Integration with BackOffice Increased attachment size The current RCD e-filing service will be significantly improved Access through MYPAGE Harmonisation with CTM e-filing.
8 MYPAGE 2007 Scope: Increase the use and services of MYPAGE Status: target date – 4 th quarter 2007 Features More personalized Configurable Access levels Quicker response times
9 RCD eRenewal Scope: Online system for management and application of RCD renewals Status: IT Development; target date – October 2007 Will follow approach of CTM eRenewal systems Renewal Manager Online form Automated back office processing Features
10 E-COMM 2007 Scope: Increase usage to all procedures Status: In Development, estimated go live July 2007 Features All outgoing letters Incorporate reply letters to file Warning to examiner Pre-indexing Search tool in mailbox More user friendly
11 E-FILING 2007 Scope: Offer a more reliable and more user-friendly service. Status: IT Development; target date – 4 th quarter 2007 Features Improving save-option Integrating data into the Back-Office Simplifying the form Making it possible to attach the figurative mark Improving performances
12 eCaveat Scope: Provision of a warning/alert to MyPage users to follow progress of CTMs Status: IT Development; target date – 4 th quarter 2007 Features MyPage users Status selection Warning
13 EuroRegister To create a search engine tool to allow users to consult registers of EU Member States as well as OHIMs. The tool will provide online all available information related to national trademark applications and registrations as well as international and community trademarks. Each national office will remain the owner of their trademark register and be responsible for its content and updates to data. The EuroRegister application will be integrated to the Euro- platform together with EuroClass. Objectives
14 Planned projects e-Certification Recordal online e-Certificate e-Cancellation Daily Publication RCD Online E-Payment Opposition (Registration, RCD) eurofiling
15 Thank you!