Green4sure Climate change, energy and employment : The Green energyplan for 2030
Green4sure Green4sure b Who are Green4sure? ABVAKABO FNV - Public services unionABVAKABO FNV - Public services union FNV (federation of trade unions)FNV (federation of trade unions) GreenpeaceGreenpeace Milieudefensie (Friends Of the Earth)Milieudefensie (Friends Of the Earth) Natuur & Milieu (society for Nature & Environment)Natuur & Milieu (society for Nature & Environment) World Wildlife FundWorld Wildlife Fund
Green4sure Green4sure b Goals: show that energy supply and a 50% reduction of CO2-emission is possible, without new nuclear plants in the that energy supply and a 50% reduction of CO2-emission is possible, without new nuclear plants in the Netherlands. Show how people and companies can and will change their behaviour.Show how people and companies can and will change their behaviour. show the effects of each and every means in the the effects of each and every means in the energyplan.
Green4sure Green4sure b Steps: researchresearch working groupworking group instrumentsinstruments the green energy planthe green energy plan communicationcommunication
Green4sure b Research led by CE Delft sectoral analysissectoral analysis calculation of costs and benefitscalculation of costs and benefits special issuesspecial issues in-depth studies and scenariosin-depth studies and scenarios
Green4sure b sectoral analysis households and serviceshouseholds and services industryindustry transporttransport electricityelectricity
Green4sure b Costs and benefits National effects on economyNational effects on economy Effects on employmentEffects on employment Effects on incomeEffects on income
Green4sure b Special issues stimulate renewablesstimulate renewables CCSCCS innovation strategyinnovation strategy biomassbiomass
Green4sure b In-depth studies competition in industriescompetition in industries european strategieseuropean strategies security of supplysecurity of supply employment effectsemployment effects
Green4sure b What to do? Increase efficiencyIncrease efficiency Use of renewablesUse of renewables Reduce volumeReduce volume
Green4sure b How to achieve 50% reduction? government instrumentsgovernment instruments freedom within limitsfreedom within limits security of supplysecurity of supply strengthen ‘clean’ industrystrengthen ‘clean’ industry Public support!Public support!
Green4sure b Instruments Intensive users- 25 to 40%Intensive users- 25 to 40% –(competitive sectors) –industry –generation extensive users- 60 to 75%extensive users- 60 to 75% –(non-competitive sectors) –households –personal transport –services
Green4sure b The green energy plan b ‘Climate bill’ b Progressive standards b Energy savings b ‘Pollutor Pays!’ principle
Green4sure b Effects: households and services
What new jobs? b Energy savings company b Combined Heat and Power b micro-generation b off-shore wind power b R&D
Union position b Sustainable economic, environmental, b and SOCIAL development EU-plans have a lack of social dimensionEU-plans have a lack of social dimension Energy is a key public serviceEnergy is a key public service Social DialogueSocial Dialogue
Union position b Liberalisation does not lead to sustainable and secure energy supply, but A sustainable and secure energy supply is possible in a liberalised energy market.A sustainable and secure energy supply is possible in a liberalised energy market. b Governments must take the lead!
Union position b Change in jobs less low-skilled jobsless low-skilled jobs more high-skilled jobsmore high-skilled jobs invest in lifetime learninginvest in lifetime learning
Thanks! Jerry van den Berge ABVAKABO FNV - Public services union The Netherlands