R NASA STEP for Aerospace Workshop at Jet Propulsion Laboratory January 27, 2000 Thomas Thurman Rockwell Collins Inc. A Detailed Review of Some Aspects of AP 210 Useful for Electro-Technical Designs and Libraries
R Outline Product Structure Needs Functional Product Structure Physical Product Structure Product Structure Graph Requirements Definition Building a Library Definition Building a Design Definition
R Keywords Product Structure Interface Pin Mapping Properties Directed Acyclic Graph Requirements Definition Design Definition Library Definition
R Product Structure Original Product Structure Needs –Flexibility: AP 210 was Required to be Generic in the Functional Domain since Component (Part), Assembly, and Interconnect Implementation Technologies Evolve Rapidly. –Managed: Current CAD Models don’t support much management limiting re-use. –Re-use: PLIB doesn’t suffice. Cataloging is insufficient.
R Product Structure Original Product Structure Needs –Product Structures Exist in Libraries, are created during Design and may be Provided as Requirements. –Product Structures are Functional or Physical. –Intellectual Property Support Required
R Relationships Between Design Definition and “Published Library Data” May be Established and Managed Under Configuration Control. Details are Invisible to Customer. Protecting Intellectual Property Design Archives Published Library Data Customer Accessible Data (Interfaces, ICDs, Pin Maps, Computer Behavioural Models, Organizational Ownership Declarations, Parameters...) Configuration Managed Relationships High Accuracy Models, Design Definitions
R Functional Product Structure
R Functional Product Classification –Functions may be placed into categories that are sensible within the context of an Organization. –Organization Publishes Document Defining Classification Scheme. –Properties may be Assigned to a Category –Properties may be Assigned to a Specific Function Application object: Ee_product_category, Ee_product_specific_parameter_value_assignment.
R Functional Product Structure A Functional Product Definition Consists of: –Interface Definition –Optionally, A Functional Network Definition –Optionally, A Simulation Model with Parameters A Functional Product Definition is a view of a specific (Functional) Product Version. A Functional Product Definition is NOT a view of a Physical Product (CC13); Application objects: Ee_product_definition, Functional_unit_definition, Ee_product_version, Ee_product
R Functional Product Structure A Functional Interface: –Is A Version Controlled View of Functionality –Specifies the Function Identifier –Specifies the Function Terminal Identifiers –Optionally: Binds Parameter Values to Simulation Models and Binds Function Terminals to Simulation Model Ports Application Object: Functional_unit_usage_view
R Functional Product Structure A Functional Network Definition: –Is A Version Controlled View of Functionality –References the Associated Functional Interface –Contains Instantiation Relationships between Functional Products that “Creates” Hierarchy –Contains Network of the Connected Functional Terminals Application Object: Functional_unit_network_definition
R Functional Product Structure Example Domains/Diagrams Represented by A Functional Network Definition: Function Flow Block Diagrams State Charts / State Transition Diagrams Control System Block Diagrams Circuit Diagrams (Analog/Digital/Mechanical)… Electro-mechanical Systems (non-linear ODE) S-Parameter Domain Domain Abstractions are Defined in the Simulation Models
R Functional Product Structure A Functional Instantiation Relationship: –References as definition either: Functional Product Interface for leaf node Functional Product Network Definition for further Decomposition –Specifies the Network Being Composed –Optionally Specifies Instance Bound Parameter Values –Managed (add, delete, change) Application Object: Functional_unit
R Functional Product Structure Instance Bound Parameter Values –Populate Critical Values (Gain, Speed, Bandwidth) –Override Default Values (Settling Time) –Populate Environmental Values (Operating Temp) –User Declared, Persistent –Used in Electro-technical Design to Select Specific Physical Components for Packaging –managed (add, delete, change) Application objects: Functional_unit, Functional_unit_definition, Analytical_representation, Model_parameter, Characteristic
R Functional Product Structure Network of Instantiated Terminals: –Nodal Formulation is used in AP 210. –All Terminals connected to a Node are assigned the Nodal Property type and value. –Nodes Connected Via Hierarchy shall have the same Property type and value. Conservative Laws not a requirement! Predefined subset for AP units in part 41 etc. –Managed (add, delete, change) Application object: Functional_unit_network_node_definition, Functional_unit_terminal_node_assignment, Functional_unit_network_terminal_definition_node_assignment.
R Functional Product Structure Simulation Model –A View of Functionality (May be Versioned) –User Defined Algorithm –Externally Defined Language –Source or Executable Included –Explicitly Defined Interface Model Parameters Model Port Type Data: »string, logical, physical, boolean, units, lumped or distributed, direction »May be bound to physical context Application objects: Analytical_model, Analytical_model_port, Library_item, Ee_product_definition
R Functional Product Structure Property Type Resolution Between Analytical_model_port types shall be Provided (if necessary) by Tools in Accordance with Documented Constraints. Usually handled by Simulator. Example: Electrical System
R Physical Product Structure A Physical Product Definition Consists of: –Interface Definition Physical Interface Can use GD&T Principles –Optionally, An Assembly or Layout Definition –Optionally, A Simulation Model with Parameters –Optionally, Shape Data (Several Purposes) A Physical Product Definition is a view of a specific Product Version. A Physical Product Definition IS a view of a Physical Product Application objects: Physical_unit_usage_view, Physical_unit_design_view, Ee_product_definition, Ee_product_version, Ee_product, Physical_unit_3d_shape, Shape_element
R Physical Product Structure
R Product Structure Graphs Original Product Structure Graph Needs –A Functional Product Structure Definition is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) or a Tree. –Assembly and Interconnect Structures are represented as Tree Definitions –Functional Product Structure is “Packaged” to Create the Assembly Structure. –Assembly Connectivity is Further Partitioned and Transformed to Create the Interconnect.
R Product Structure Graphs Original Product Structure Graph Needs –A DAG may represent a Product that is partitioned into several Products, each of whose Functional Structure is represented by a Tree. Partition Activity (also known as Packaging) Functional Product Structure of “Top Level” Product A1 A2 A3
R Product Structure Graphs Original Product Structure Graph Needs –End Users add Instance Properties to Nodes for Downstream Applications and Verification –Simulation Generates Properties Attached to Nodes of a Tree Derived from the DAG –Potential Data Explosion for Simulation Results
R Product Structure Graphs Original Product Structure Graph Needs –Network Listing Definition Data is Attached to the Nodes of the DAG and Tree. –Network Listing Definition in the Tree is Allocated from the DAG Network Listing Based on Partition Results Allocation Activity Product “A1” Network Listing Product “A2” Network Listing Product “A3” Network Listing Functional Product Network Listing
R Product Structure Graphs Constraints on AP 210 Approach –DAG and Tree are Individual Views –Nodes in Both DAG and Trees are Complex Items with properties and structure –Links in DAG are Complex Items with Properties
R Product Structure Graphs Approach in AP210 –Define a Usage View to Separate Interface from Internal Structure –Attach the Simulation Model to the Usage View as an Executable Definition. –Flatten each Tree to a single level. –Explicitly Model the Relationship Between elements of the DAG and corresponding elements of the Flattened Tree.
R Product Structure Graphs Example Applications: –Explicitly Model the Mapping between a ‘pin’ in a Functional Definition and the Corresponding ‘pin’ in a Physical Definition –Explicitly Assign Unique Reference Designations to Physical Components and associated functions (U1-A).
R Contents of a Requirements Definition Requirements Structure Functional Requirements Functionality Definition Functional Specification Interface Definition Schematic Symbol Simulation Models Physical Requirements Shape Definition Interface Definition Simulation Models Interface Requirements Functional Physical
R Requirements Model Requirements Design Constraints Interface Allocation n Requirements Model is a Version Controlled Product Model (I.e., Requirements Product). n Requirements Model has a Tree Structure. n Each Requirement may be for one of Several Purposes (e.g.,Design, Constraint, Interface..). n Each Requirement may be composed of other Requirements using AND, OR combinations. n Each Requirement may be DERIVED from Another Requirement. n Source Specification is Identified n Text from Source Specification may be Included
R Requirement Allocation Model n Requirements may be Allocated to Almost any Design Aspect. n Some Design aspects Serve as Explicit Requirements for Other Design Aspects - Connectivity for Layout - Assembly for Interconnect n Planned Characteristics Reference Allocated Requirements n Evaluated Characteristics Reference Planned Characteristics
R Contents of a Requirements Definition Functional Specification (CC26) Functional Specification Defines the Information needed to Characterize a Device Under Test via Measured Data. May be Many Inputs and Outputs Application objects: Functional_specification, Signal_specification, Representation etc. Vin Vout
R Contents of a Library Definition Added Data: Library Identification Functional Definition Functionality Definition -- Previously Discussed Interface Definition -- Previously Discussed Schematic Symbol -- See AP 212 Simulation Models -- Previously Discussed Physical Definition Shape Definition -- Not Discussed Herein Interface Definition -- Package Definition Simulation Models -- Previously Discussed Part Definition Mapping Between Functional Interface and Physical Interface Part Level Simulation Models
R Fuuv1 is for example, a nand gate in a library. Fuuv2 is for example, a power block in a library. In order to build a quad nand gate (e.g., for a library), you need one power block and 4 usages of the nand gate. Fu6,7,8,9 are the four occurrences of the nand gate in the library for the network definition fund5, an intermediate definition (also in the library). Fund6(also in the library) is the network definition that provides a complete (logical domain) functional definition for an electrical component commonly known as a “quad nand gate”. Fund6 is the composition of the occurrence fu10 of the intermediate aggregation fund5 and the occurrence fu12 of the power block fuuv2. Each functional unit network definition references the usage view where its terminals are found. Building a Library Functional Definition (CC13)
R Building a Library Functional Definition Single Nand Gate Functionality in1 in2 out Minimum AP210 data (shown above) is that provided by Functional_unit_usage_view_1. Additional data provided by Functional_unit_network_definition is not available for this gate. (This page is not a presentation of a geometric representation.)
R Building a Library Functional Definition Single Power Block Functionality Vp Vm (This page is not a presentation of a geometric representation.) Minimum AP210 data (shown above) is that provided by Functional_unit_usage_view_2. Additional data provided by Functional_unit_network_definition is not available for this power block.
R Building a Library Functional Definition Quad Nand Gate Functional Interface ina1 ina2 outa inb1 inb2 outb inc1 inc2 outc ind1 ind2 outd pwr1 pwr2 (This page is a presentation of a Functional_unit_usage_view_3.) Minimum data is illustrated. Real cases may contain 1000 pins at the level illustrated.
R fu12fu10 fu6 fu7 fu8 fu9 fuuv1 fuuv2 fund6 fund5 Legend: fu: functional_unit fuuv: functional_unit_usage_view fund: functional_unit_network_definition Building a Library Functional Definition fuuv3 fuuv4
R Package: Physical Definition Shape Definition -- Not Discussed Herein Package Definition Interface Definition Interface Features: Primary Orientation Feature Primary Reference Terminal Seating Plane Axis placement as Origin Simulation Models -- Previously Discussed Building a Library Physical Definition
R Building a Library Package Definition (CC14) (This page is a presentation of a 3d representation) Primary Reference Terminal Primary orientation feature Seating Plane Package Geometric Origin
R CC1-- Device Functional and Physical Characterization Mapping Between Functional Interface and Physical Interface Accomplished at Top Level Part Level Simulation Models Black Box Model -- Packaged_part example follows White Box Model -- Not discussed herein Analytical Model Associations: Part_feature_model_port_assignment -- Not Discussed Herein Connection_zone_model_port_assignment -- Not Discussed Herein Building a Library Packaged Part Definition
R ina1 ina2 outa inb1 inb2 outb inc1 inc2 outc ind1 ind2 outd pwr1 pwr2 Packaged Part Role is implemented_function Role is used_package A Packaged part is a Physical unit that has functionality defined by a Functional unit usage view and the physical information defined by a Package PackageFunctional_unit_usage_view 3 (This page is not a presentation of a geometric representation)
R Primary Reference Terminal ina1 ina2 outa inb1 inb2 outb inc1 inc2 outc ind1 ind2 outd pwr1 pwr2 Functional_usage_view_to_part_terminal_assignment Building a Pin MAP A Functional_usage_view_to_part_terminal_assignment ARM application object provides the pin map capability in AP 210 Role is physical_usage_view_terminal Role is functional_usage_view_terminal Building a Library Packaged Part Definition
R The Functionality Definition A nand gate definition, fuuv1, and a power block definition, fuuv2. Network definitions fund5, fund6, along with their usage views: fuuv3, fuuv4. Instance definitions fu6, fu7, fu8, fu9, fu10, fu12 that help compose fund5 and fund6. The Package definition. The Packaged_part definition. The pin mapping for the Packaged_part, functional_unit_usage_view_to_part_terminal_assignment (14 needed). The Resulting Library Definition.
R Contents of a Design Definition (CC8) Functional Definition Functionality Definitions in the Design are Network Definitions Interface Definition -- Previously Discussed Physical Definition Shape Definition in the Design is Assembly Shape Part instantiation Interface Definition -- Previously Discussed Packaging Definition Establishing the Allocation of Function to Physical in the Design Part level information Functionality Definition -- Previously Discussed Shape Definition -- Not Discussed Herein Mapping Between Functional Interface and Physical Interface Version Management Design Definition includes a snapshot of the Library Subset Used in the Design
R A nand gate definition (fuuv1) and a power block definition (fuuv2) are explicitly referenced. The Packaged_part definition is explicitly referenced (not illustrated). Design Network Definitions are: fund1 through fund4. Design Functional_unit_usage_views are: fuuv11 through fuuv14. Fund1 includes three functional units: two nand gate instances and one power block instance. Fund1 specifies fuuv11. Fund2 includes only one functional unit: an instance of the network definition fund1. Fund2 specifies fuuv12. Fund3 includes three functional units: an instance of the network definition fund1, an instance of the network definition fund2 and an instance of the nand gate. Fund3 specifies fuuv13. Fund4 includes one functional unit: an instance of the network definition fund3. Fund4 specifies fuuv14. Building a Design Functional Definition (CC4)
R fu5 fu4 fu3 fu1 fu11 fu2 fu13 fu14 fund 4 fund3 fund2 fund1 fuuv1 fuuv2 Legend: fu: functional_unit fuuv: functional_unit_usage_view fund: functional_unit_network_definition Design items: fund1, fund2, fund3, fund4, fuuv11, fuuv12, fuuv13, fuuv14, fu1,fu2,fu3,fu4,fu5,fu11,fu13, fu14. Library items: fuuv1,fuuv2 Building a Design Functional Definition fuuv4 fuuv12 fuuv13 fuuv14
R Building a Design Physical Definition (CC8) U1 U2 U3 U4 Four Packaged_components reference a Packaged_part as a definition
R Building a Design Physical Definition (CC8) Instance Data: Reference Designation, 2d & 3d Component Location, Orientation, Board Side, Network Listing of Components.
R Packaging the Design Function in the Physical Definition A Packaged_component is an instance of a Packaged_part in the context of a Design. A Packaged_component Reference_Designation corresponds to a Distinct Location in the Design Physical Definition. Each Path Through the Design Functional DAG Corresponds to a Distinct Location in a Packaged_component in the Design Physical Definition.
R fu10 fu8 fuuv1 fund6 fund5 Formal Definition of Library Path A Reference_composition_path is a set of functional_unit that are in one path from a leaf node to the root node in a library functional unit network definition.
R fu5 fu2 fu14 fund 4 fund3 fund1 fuuv1 A Design_composition_path is the set of functional_unit that are in one path from a leaf node to the root node in a design. Formal Definition of Design Path.
R fu5 fu10 fu8 fu2 fu14 fund 4 fund3 fund1 fuuv1 fund6 fund5 Packaging Result: Design Path Allocated to section “A” of U1 Reference Path Defines section “A” OF Packaged_part in Library “U1” specified in Design U1 Defined by Packaged_part Design Path Allocated to Reference Path by Packaging Application Packaging the Function