Marche Region Monitoring the environmental effects of the New Programmes Cinzia Colangelo
Organization: Marche Region (Italy) Environment and Landscape Department Cinzia Colangelo Officer responsible for Environmental Planning EU Funds T el +39/071/
Introduction Application of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to Programmes The Methodology and the GRDP project Monitoring the environmental effects: the idea of an integrated system
The Environmental Authority carried out the SEA on : Operational Programme Competitiveness Rural Development Plan Developing a methodology based on the Handbook on SEA for Cohesion Policy ( INTERREG IIIC GRDP project )
The aim of GRDP project: Develop a common European methodology for integrating the environment into regional development programmes. GRDP partners shared good practice and developed advice on integrating the environment into regional development programmes. End products of GRDP: GRDP Charter GRDP Toolkit
MONITORING THE IMPLEMENTATION of the Plan or Programme The aim of this step: To record the information concerning the significant effects of activities and projects on relevant environmental issues; To identify unforeseen adverse effects in order to be able to undertake appropriate remedial actions SEA Directive requires: Presentation of monitoring measures in the environmental report; Informing relevant authorities and the public about monitoring measures
The proposed Environmental Integrated Monitoring Strategy Environmental monitoring of each plan/programme co-funded by EU : using the monitoring system for the programming document, incorporating new environmental monitoring indicators Create a new environmental monitoring arrangement aimed to collect environmental data from all the regional programming documents To monitor and assess the CUMULATIVE EFFECTS
Environmental monitoring at programme level Needs to be monitored Information Remedial actions Needs to be monitored Environme ntal issues and concerns ObjectivesLocalization of projects related to different areas Biodiversit y Maintaining and restoring natural habitats Natural areas, urban areas, etc. Soil……….…………. ……..………….. Informa tion required Source of informat ion Additional source of informatio n IndicatorsExisting monitorin g arrangem ents Other programme s monitoring arrangemen ts m² area of new infrastruc ture OP Competiti veness, RDP, etc Regional Environmen tal Agency databases; National databases ………….. …………….. When remedial action should be considered What remedial act could be taken? Breach of legislation, recognise d standards or guidelines Irreversib le damage Uncert ainty over possibl e advers e effects Review aspect of the plan Develop mitigation measures Ex. Natura 2000 Regional Guideline s Ex. Action breaking the ecological connectivi ty Set out additional environmental evaluation/sel ection criteria ………….……………. ……………..
The Environmental integrated monitoring system Data from the different monitoring systems The indicators will be linked to the environmental issues/concerns and their objectives, localized when appropriate, and weighted. SOIL-cumulative effect WATER-cumulative effect 1 SOIL-map WATER-map Indicator
Assessment of the environmental impact of regional programming The Environmental integrated monitoring system 2 Driving forces Responses Impact State Pressures Regional programming period State of the environment. Valuable/critical areas Actions and projects implemented Results from integrated monitoring
The feedback from monitoring process ultimately lead to a more informed decision-making The example of the Marche Region study on environmental pressures: a geographical view
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