The Roman Empire
Romulus and Remus
The Seven Hills of Rome
Early Roman History Rome began about 800 BCE and they were ruled by a Monarchy Due to corruption of the king, the people overthrew their monarchy and set up a REPUBLIC in 509 BCE In a republic, people choose representatives to vote in government for them
Cincinnatus, BCE
Public Service is a duty He became a Roman Consul The legend of Cincinnatus is that he was a good and trustworthy person His country needed him and he left his chosen profession to serve his country
There are two classes of people in Rome Patricians who are wealthy land owning nobles or aristocrats Patricians sit in the Senate and make all the laws There are three hundred Senators They hold their positions for life and the position is usually inherited The Senate also elects two Consuls each year
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (I lost mine) :}
Consuls led the army in war, appointed government officials and acted as administrators In times of crisis, the Senate would elect a dictator for usually six months The plebeians were the rest of the population They could be anyone from a slave to a wealthy merchant
Plebeians composed the assembly. They could sit in the assembly and listen to the Senate debate laws But they had no power over them. They could not vote But they could speak out at the debates As time evolved, Plebeians won more rights
The Twelve Tables, 448 BCE
The Twelve Tables is the first Roman Constitution, or laws codified They were posted in the Roman Forum for all to see It established the concept that citizens had rights Roman Tribune: This is a new position in government. Tribunes advocated for the Plebeians and could veto (forbid) laws to be passed
The Punic Wars
This sea is not big enough for both of us!! First Punic War, BCE This war began over trade and control of the Island of Sicily Rome won the war and seized Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica
Oh, please what was this guy thinking??
Hannibal vowed to avenge the loss of the First Punic war He left from Spain with hundreds of elephants to attack Rome from the north He needs therapy, lots of therapy Oh, he won every battle during the war except the last battle and then lost the war Hannibal is often considered one of the greatest generals ever
THIRD PUNIC WAR, 149 to 146 BCE What the Roman Motto for this war?? Carthage must be destroyed!!! And it was!! :] With the Destruction of Carthage, Rome had no competitor Rome would now expand without interruption for the next 400 years
The end of Carthage
The Gracchi Brothers Tiberius Gracchus was a Roman Tribune and wanted to help the poor of Rome In 133 BCE, he introduced a law seeking land reform Rome had expanded over the centuries, but the poor did not get the land His law would restrict land ownership at 300 acres of land People who owned more than 300 acres had to give up their land to the poor
He also wanted to resettle many of the Roman poor on land taken in war Tiberius was killed in a bloody riot in Rome after he introduced his law His brother, Gaius Gracchus, went even further with his reforms He introduced laws that would expand voting rights to all males on the Italian peninsula
He wanted Rome to create new infrastructure jobs and give then to the poor He wanted the government to sell grain to the poor at reduced prices He also wanted land taken in war to be shared with the poor and he wanted land reform in general What happened, you wonder? They killed him too. :]