The Inductive Model: Constructivist Learning The Inductive Model is often called guided discovery and is grounded in the principles of constructivism Primary Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of content and critical thinking skills. .
Constructivism A view of learning that suggests that students can develop their own understanding through active participation
I. Constructivist Learning Overview Places the learner at the center of the learning process – not the teacher Students are active participants Emphasis placed on thinking & motivation Students compare & contrast/ similarities & differences Students find patterns & make generalizations Students apply information to real life situations
A Teacher-Demanding Learning Process Teacher must: Provide safe & supportive learning environment Be skilled at questioning Have clear learning objectives Have motivating activities Monitor students Make instant decisions Present accurate examples Guide student understanding
IV. Planning Lessons with The Inductive Model 3 essential steps: Identify Topics: from outcomes; standards, etc. 2. Specify Learning Objectives What do you want students to learn/know? What thinking skills do you want students to develop? 3. Select Examples/Non Examples In which the information the students need to understand is clearly observable.
V. Implementing Lessons Using The Inductive Model Phase Description Phase 1: Introduction Introduce activity to students Pose a question to investigate Phase 2: The Open-Ended Phase Student involvement Teacher presents open-ended questions Phase 3: The Convergent Phase Teacher narrows student responses Teacher guides students Phase 4: Closure Students identify characteristics of concept, state principles, rules, etc. Phase 5: The Application Phase Assignment to apply knowledge Links new learning to prior knowledge
VI. How does this model allow for teacher flexibility? Examples Creativity Teaching “Off the top of your head” Pedagogical content knowledge Length of lesson Fostering cooperation
Assessment Teachers must make sure that learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments are aligned.
View Video Clip of Inductive Model in Action