Speaking and pronunciation in the digital age
Great dictionaries for pron Pronounce this word ROUTE How does a brit say it? How does an Australian say it? How does an American say it? Go to and find out.
Find Someone Who loved speaking in class as a student. 2. knows what gets students talking. 3. Has used audio recording equipment as a learner/teacher, and sees the benefits.
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What is speaking? + ING
Speaking is..... Communicating (Dictionary.com) talking to somebody about something; having a conversation with somebody (OALD) using a particular language to express yourself (OALD)
What we teach learners when we "teach speaking". Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation - sounds, word and sentence stress, intonation patterns. Functional expressions.
Photo courtesy of google images Photo courtesy of google images What makes speaking challenging for our learners?
What makes speaking challenging? Listen to the question. Translate the question and understand it. Think of an answer. Translate the answer. Give the answer.
Pronunciation Features Individual sounds Word stress Sentence stress Weak forms Intonation Connected Speech
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