What do they look like and what role does a teacher play? New Age Classrooms:
Traditional Teacher Vs. New Age Teacher
The Traditional Teacher A Director who dominates the discussion The curriculum directs teaching and learning Based on facts and memoristation Drill and practice Competitive Prescribed results Static media presentations Text book and journals Individualism Paper and pen The three R’s = reading, writing and arithmetic (Trilling & Hood, 2001) One size fits all education Rigidly scheduled Conforming to the norm The only source of knowledge
The New Age Teacher A facilitator, guide and consultant A co-learner Learners direct the learning Open, flexible and on-demand learning Project and problem based learning Real world, concrete actions and reflections Inquiry and design Discovery and invention Collaboration and communication Extensive integration of technology into learning experiences Wide variety of interest based topics (Trilling & Hood, 2001) Teachers and students learning together Performance assessed by experts, mentors, peers and self
The New Age Teacher Teachers should be co-learners who are focused on student directed learning that promotes the use of project, problem based, discovery and inquiry learning, and they should also encourage collaboration and a sense of community within their classrooms (Trilling & Hood, 2001) Technology can affect what needs to be taught, how classrooms are organised and managed, and the roles and expectations of both teachers and students. That is, a technology enhanced classroom may have both different goals and a somewhat different culture from a traditional classroom (Kleimen, 2001)
The New Age Teacher What role will teachers play in a high tech classroom and what training will they need? (Gordon, 2001, pviii) How can we as educators engage the YouTube, Google-eyed generation? (Duffy, 2008, p119) How do we educate the new child raised in a world of instant information, where interactive technologies have led them to believe they can act on the world with the press of a button? (Strommen & Lincoln, 1992, p467)
Behind Educational Technologies
The Benefits of Technology use in the Classroom Statistical links between the use of technology and learning outcomes have been identified in an increasing body of evidence... the impact is greatest when ICT is an integral and embedded part of the day-to-day learning experience. (Becta, 2007, p3) Research evidence also suggests that young people exhibit a higher level of engagement and more positive attitudes to learning where technology is incorporated. (Robertson, S., & John, P, 2009, p3)
1600s Quill Pens and Slates 1700s Primers 1826 Wall Charts 1855 Models 1901 Manipulatives 1904 Educational Museums 1911 Films 1929 Radios 1945 Multiple Media Used by Military Armed Forces 1957 Programmed Instruction 1967 PBS and NER (Public Broadcasting Service and National Educational Radio) 1977 Personal Computer 1980s CAI 1990s Computer-Based Technologies 2000 and beyond Virtual Reality, Digital Assistants, Web2.0 Adopted from Lever-Duffy, J., McDonald, J, B., & Mizell, AI P. (2003) The Evolution of Educational Technology
The Traditional Teaching Approach Philosophical Foundation: Objectivism View of Knowledge: Knowledge exists outside the human mind; learning is transmission of knowledge from teacher to students. Learning Theories: Behavioral theories, information-processing theories, systems approaches and instructional design.
Instructional video: Intelligent Tutorial System: html html Drill & Practice Programs: ive/flash/kidsandcookies/kidcookie.php1 ive/flash/kidsandcookies/kidcookie.php1 Examples of Direct Instruction
A Shift Towards Student-Centred Learning Philosophical Foundation: Constructivism View of Knowledge: Knowledge is constructed not transmitted. Learning Theories: Social constructivism (Dewey), Scaffolding (Vygotsky), Discovery Learning (Bruner) Multiple Intelligences (Gardner).
A New Teaching Approach For Effective Use Of Technology Rather than using technology to keep learners in a passive role, where learners are on the receiving end of resources and requirements for activity determined by teachers, schools or other agencies, the idea is to utilize the potential of technologies for more learner- centered approaches, to give learners more autonomy and choice about how to engage with what is offered. (Robertson, S., & John, P, 2009)
How Technologies Foster Learning Examples Educational Technology Knowledge Construction and Problem Solving Discussion Forums, Concept Map Tools, Drawing Toosl, Databases, Spreadsheets Investigation and ExplorationSearch Engines, Simulations, Virtual Field Trips, Virtual Realities (VR) CollaborationWiki, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Discussion Forums ReflectionBlogs, Word Processor PresentationPowerPoint, HTML, Interactive Whiteboards, Video Recorders, Digital Cameras Technological Tools That Facilitate Learning
The Power of Teachers
The role of the New Age Teacher
The Role of the Teacher What aspects of a traditional teacher do you incorporate into your teaching? What aspects of a new age teacher do you incorporate into your teaching? Traditional TeacherNew Age Teacher A directorA facilitator A transmitter of knowledgeA source of knowledge and guidance Dominates class discussionsEncourages dialogue between learners Assesses through testsUses a variety of assessment methods ?????
The tool of technology is no different to any other educational tool available to teachers. It is the method in which it is utilised that influences the academic achievement of students (Clark, 1991) The Role of the Teacher What technology does your educational facility provide their teachers to use?
The Role of the Teacher So what do you think is effective utilisation of technology? What is effective teaching and how is technology integrated into it?
Issues Access Creating more a disparity between those who have it and those who do not Sceptics who do not see the benefits of technology or constructivist teaching methods Only some of the potential issues
A New Age Classroom Modify their teaching approach Relinquish some of the power Effective utilisation of the technological tools readily available Integrate technology into other curriculum areas Maintain the mindset that the benefits of employing educational technologies in classroom are not only limited to learning outcomes Encourage dialogue and collaboration between learners