Woodrow Wilson (1886) Through his first work entitled "The study of administration, was a milestone in the development of early ideas of public administration".
Thought Wilson was born due to an error in politics in the country due to political intervention at all administrative bodies. The separation between politics and administration (dichotomy between Politics and Administration)
Wilson advocated four concepts: 1.Separation of politics and administration 2.Comparative analysis of political and private organizations 3.Improving efficiency with business-like practices and attitudes toward daily operations 4.Improving the effectiveness of public service through management and by training civil servants, merit-based assessment
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1912) Appears because productivity needs Focus on study time for each job Learn the best and fastest method to do the job Differential payment system
Principles of Scientific Management Developing Science (Scientific Working Method) Scientific Recruitment & Training Workers supervision Scientifically harmonization Relationship
Marx Weber (1922) From Bureaucracy to Administration Ideal bureaucracy is on the staff of the ideal bureaucracy Construction ideal bureaucracy found in his Politics as a Vacation (1918) in his speech at the University of Munich Starting with the concept of "state" (state), Weber looked at the state of facilities / equipment owned and not of "purpose" of his
1.Devision of labour to work 2.The principle of herarkhi within the organization 3.System of rule or code 4.The ideal employee is an employee who works on the spirit of formalistic impersonality or sine era et studio 5.The existence of a career system in work Weber's Ideal Bureaucracy
Luther Halsey Gulick (POSDCORB) (1937) In order to encourage and institutions respond to emergencies at hand Famous with Acronym POSDCORB
Planning (Perencanaan): Development in outline activities to be undertaken and the methods of implementation of the work to achieve the objectives set for the company. Organizing (Pengorganisasian): Preparation of a formal authority structure based sub-section - subsection jobs created and coordinated to achieve the intended purpose. Staffing (Penyusunan Tenaga Kerja): Staffing function entirely on revenue and employee training and maintenance of working conditions are favorable.
Directing (Pembimbing/Mengarahkan): The task of leading the company on an ongoing basis through decisions and make it happen in the commands and instructions general and specific. Coordinating (Koordinasi): The task of connecting the various parts work is important. Reporting (Pelaporan): Job informing people about the state of the job supervisor through the records and reports.
Budgeting (Penganggaran): The tasks of planning, accounting, and financial control.
Herbert Alexander Simon (1948) Bounded Rationality for Decision Making Theories of Bounded rationality is Theories that in corporate constrains on the information – processing capacities of the actor
Bounded Rationality in Design Classical Decision Theory has been concerned with choice among given alternatives. Design is concerned with the discovery and elaboration of alternatives.
George H Frederickson (1950an – 1970an) New Public Administration OPA NPA
OPA: 1.focus has been on top-level management or 2.the basic auxiliary staff services (budgeting, organization and management, systems analysis, planning, personnel, purchasing). 3.The existence aspects of efficiency and Economical NPA: Incorporating Social Equity Does the service enhance social equity?
NPA believed that social problems can be address more easily by modifying, developing, or changing institutions to achieve good management, efficiency, economic, and social equity.
4 Basic Processes in Understanding and Improving Public Administration The Distributive Process The Integrative Process The Socioemotional Process The Boundary- Exchange Process
David Osborne (1980an) NPM thinking model proposed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler (1992) the concept of "Reinventing Government" is suggested that meyuntikkan or provide entrepreneurial spirit into the state administration system. New Public Management (NPM)
10 principles of entrepreneurial government 1.Government catalyst; 2.Government belongs to the people; 3.Government kompetetif; 4.Government is driven by the mission; 5.Results-oriented government; 6.Customer-oriented government; government that meets the needs of customers not bureaucracy. 7.Entrepreneurial government; 8.anticipatory governance 9.Decentralized government; 10. Market-oriented government.
Denhardt & Denhardt New Public Service (NPS) OPANPM NPS Engaging
The important Concept of NPS 1.Serve Citizens, Not Customers 2.Seek the Public Interest 3.Value Citizenship over Entrepreneurship 4.Think Strategically, Act Democratically 5.Recognize that Accountability Isn’t Simple 6.Serve Rather than Steer 7.Value People, Not Just Productivity