Objectives Give trainers some techniques on how to best conduct their training sessions with MFI staff These techniques have been put in place by EU ACP learning event participants who use them regularly
To remember when you train adults Confucius has rightfully said: If I hear I forget If I see I remember If I do I understand
To remember when you train adults Meaning… Keep your academic presentation as short as possible Show concrete examples (case studies, learnings from previous success AND failures) Have participants redo (exercises, worskhops, on- the-job trainings)
Preparation of the training session Identify your target group Class attendance should not exceed participants Groups should be homogenous At least 2 trainers Avoid monotony and create interactivity 1 trainer should not speak longer than 30 mn continuously Plan for experienced staff to animate some parts of the training to bring their own experience Do not undersestimate logistics: You need a room with space Make sure the technics work (e.g. projector, microphone…) Have name tags, name boards ready
Ice breaking phase Get participants to learn more about each other in a fun way Soccer ball with a specific question each participant must answer; the ball is sent from one participant to another. Have each participant present himself to his neighboor, and have this neighboor present the participant to the group Ask participants to line up by height, age, etc. Position participants on a country map to see where they come from
Key principles of in class training Keep it simple and theory to minimum Powerpoint should only be in bullet point Highlight key ideas Too much content leads trainer to read vs. interact Present case studies Always illustrate with concrete examples Learn from mistakes: show previous errors, which are usually more telling than successes Have senior staff present their experience
Have a positive animation There are no silly questions/remarks
Put in practice and test understanding Break down participants in small group with one specific exercice (directly related to content of training). Have teams present the results of their exercices After breaks or on the next day, ask participants what they have learned during the previous sessions: key ideas should emerge Regularly test participants with regular questions on key concepts they must have learned by the end of the training At the end of the session, test the participants to make sure that key points have been understood This can be compared to a test conducted BEFORE the training
Manage time Break down training session into short workshops Plan for breaks Use music to remind people to come back in the class Have incentives (or penalties) for participants arriving on time (being late) Have a « Parking lot » for questions which can be answered later (individually or in at the end of the training session). Parking lot should not become « Black holes » NO PHONES / NO LAPTOP
Make sure everyone participates Remember the name of all participants Dont forget the « shy » people Wake people up Soccer ball or glass of water ?
How to wake people up ?
Make sure everyone participates Ask sleeping/late person to tell a funny story Everybody enjoys appreciation Have small presents/gifts (real or symbolic) to encourage participants to answer questions Bet « fake money » to a participant on his capacity to answer a test question Collect peoples impression at the end of each day
When training = team building Plan for team building exercices and activities Have an event/lunch/dinner planned with all participants OUTSIDE of the work environment The BAR exercice: Teams of 6; 1 bar; get each team to lower the bar to the ground with 2 simple rules: No speaking; fingers should never leave the bar. Have 2 participants make sure rules are respected.
When training = team building The Rope exercice Teams of 10; 1 long rope; get participants in a circle around the rope; have them close their eyes; grab the rope; the team must make a square (or another geometric form) keeping their eyes closed.
Get more tips and techniques Consolidate all good ideas from within your training staff at the institution level Ask participants to assess the training, so as to improve content and animation for the next session Select and implement best suggestions CGAP website: DIRECT
Thanks to team members: Olivier Bailly-Bechet – Advans Cameroun Gregoire Danel - Horus Abdoulaye Diasse – Project Saint Louis/ADE finance Patrick Gobin - Horus Ross Nathan – Urwego Martin Spahr – LFS Camille Striffling - Horus Faustin Zhinga - Urwego Edited by Mike Rios and Lillian Diaz