Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Government) Participation by local governments from the province of Barcelona in competitiveness projects in the new Catalonia ERDF Operational Programme Xavi Tiana
Situation and trends: regional disparities Situation and trends: regional disparities The Catalunya Region has a GDP per head which is 1205% of the Community average Source: IV Cohesion Report
Situation and trends: the innovation deficit R&D expenditure for Catalunya is 1.1% of the GDP (UE 27: 1,8%) R&D expenditure in the business enterprise sector is 0,9% of the GDP (UE 27: 1,2%) Source: IV Cohesion Report
The share of cohesion spending on R&D, innovation and ICTs
Structural Funds in Catalunya /
Priority 1: Innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge economy 529%35912M Priority 2: Environment and risk prevention13,5%9177M Priority 3: Accessibility and transport services118%8016M Priority 4: Sustainable urban and local development20,9%141,95M Priority 5: Technical assistance09%604M TOTAL M Source: Generalitat de Catalunya ERDF in Catalunya National Programme for the Technological Fund 798M Regional Operational Programme
ProgrammePartners from Catalunya in projects (Leader or Partner) Local governments participating Projects linked to Priority 1 of the new OP for Catalunya Interreg IIIB MEDOC53155 Interreg IIIB SUDOE2322 Interreg IIIC40248 TOTAL (12,9%) Regional Operational Programme - Local governments apply through an open call for proposals managed by the Region. - Over 1000 potential beneficiaries projects submitted and 1400 selected - Projects with a funding threshold of 600 and 9M - Among the 1400 funded projects, only 125 (8,9%) were related to Priority 1 of the new Programme 2. INTERREG III B and C There is a need for changing the understanding of ERDF funding for the new round Participation of local governments in ERDF projects between Link with Priority 1 of the new Programme
The proposal of Diputació de Barcelona in order to promote the participation of local governments under Priority 1 of the new ERDF OP for Catalunya General Objective To enhance and improve the competitiveness of the Barcelona Province Specific Objectives 1.The improvement of the industrial areas conditions through innovation and ICT. Type of projects: accessibility to industrial parks and districts, telecommunications infrastructures, advanced services for SMEs and their associations, etc. 2. Infrastructures and facilities to support the knowledge economy, innovation, technological transfer. Facilitate dialogue between IDT and SMEs Type of projects: Technological centres, incubators, business centres based on the knowledge economy, innovation governance, support to local clusters… Management System -Diputació de Barcelona (DB) proposed a global grant to the MA: No agreement -Agreement between the MA and DB (Convention between both Institutions) -Open call for project proposals within the Province under priority 1 of the OP -Beneficiaries: All local governments of the Province -Contents of the call, selection criteria, management system agreed between MA and DB Financing Total Budget: To be agreed 50% ERDF 25% Diputació de Barcelona and 25% Local administrations
Final remarks and advantages of the proposed Programme 1.ERDF in should be used by local governments to finance innovative projects for local development 2. ERDF shouldnt replace national or regional funding for local projects 3. Lisbon is also a strategy for local policy makers 4. The proposal of Diputació de Barcelona is advantageous because: -Supports local governments for them to invest in priority 1 under the same strategy -Offers additional funding for the Programme and for project promoters -Offers the technical structure of Diputació de Barcelona as well as support to project managers -It has been offered to the other 3 Provinces in the Region -Contributes to the future success of the Programme
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION XAVI TIANA International Relations Directorate Diputació de Barcelona Tel: