Please read pages 9-10; Copy down statement and fill in the blanks; Please have planner on table. 1)The highest level of government in the United States is the )Each of our ---- states has its own government which decides matters for that state. 3)The level of government closest to Americans is government. 4)Local governments include ----, -----, and )State and local governments cannot take actions that go against the laws of the government. (Q)
Examine why people need government Identify the forms & purposes of government
oNext Quiz – Chapter 1, Section 1 quiz – 8/28
Bell ringer Web Map – What is Civics? Review Guidelines and procedures Fire Drill practice
1.What is civics? 2.As a citizen, what do you agree to do? 3.What is the role of government in a community? 4.Why did Thomas Hobbes believe people needed a government? 5.Why is planning a budget important to a government’s success? Please copy the question (10); Please skip three lines per question.
6.How do the general duties of the national government differ from the state government? 7.What is a “direct democracy”? 8.What is meant by majority rule? 9.What is the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy? 10.What are the three levels of government that exist in the United States? Please copy the question (10); Please skip three lines per question..
Examine why people need government Identify the forms & purposes of government
oNext Quiz – Chapter 1, Section 1 quiz – 8/28
Bell ringer Web Map – What is Civics? Review Guidelines and procedures Fire Drill practice
Citizenships dates back more than 2,500 years to ---- and
“C” was once only for the elite; today gender and wealth are not requirements for
Citizens are community members who owe to a government & receive protection Share a common history, common customs or common values; agree to follow governments
1.What is civics? (pg. 6) 2.As a citizen, what do you agree to do? (pg. 6) 3.What is the role of government in a community? (pg. 7) 4.Why did Thomas Hobbes believe people needed a government? (pg. 7) 5.Why is planning a budget important to a government’s success? (pg. 9) Please copy the question (10); Also, please have planners out and on table.
6.How do the general duties of the national government differ from the state government? (pg. 9) 7.What is a “direct democracy”? (pg. 10) 8.What is meant by majority rule? (pg. 11) 9.What is the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy? (pg. 10) 10.What are the three levels of government that exist in the United States? (pg. 9-10) Please copy the question (10); Also, please have planners out and on table.
Please read pages (Principles of American Democracy); Copy statements (5) and fill in blank. 1)----- described our democracy as “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” 2)All genuine have free, fair and competitive elections. 3)In an election, citizens may vote freely by )Competitive elections and competing are an important element in democracies. 5)In a democracy, respect for rights is sometimes difficult to maintain.
Examine why people need government Identify the forms & purposes of government
oNext Quiz – Chapter 1, Section 1 quiz – 8/28
Bell ringer Compare and Contrast ideas of Hobbes and John Locke. Guidelines and Procedures Fire drill GR 1-1 HWK Due tomorrow!!!
Is man inherently good or inherently evil? Thomas Hobbes John Locke
Life without government would be solitary, brutish, and short b/c man is evil therefore we need a strong __________ Governments are life referees, they make and enforce laws so we can live peacefully
Respect for right to ___, _______ and property. If you shut up and do as you are told, you have the right not to be _____ Left alone, man will generally live _______ together Man cannot live peacefully together b/c man is generally _____, ____, and brutish No right to ______ Right and duty to ______ a ruler who seeks absolute power
Please copy questions (5). Please skip three lines per question. Use the charts on pages 8 and11 to answer. 1)How do courts help keep order? (page 8) 2)What are some services (3) that the government provides? (page 8) 3)Who is the source of power in representative democracies ? (page 11) 4)All people, including those who govern, are bound by the what? (page 11) 5)In the American democracy, what does the government protect? (page 11)
Examine why people need government Identify the forms & purposes of government
Bell ringer Three Functions of the POTUS Ch. 1 Vocabulary Guidelines and Procedures
President Obama has 3 major jobs … 1.Keep order and provide security 2.Provide Public Services 3.Guide the Community
_________ (money, property, leadership) are unavoidable in a community or country _______ make laws to prevent conflicts & settle disputes that arise “G” have power to enforce laws; to decide _____ & how to punish guilty “G” is also concerned with _______ citizens & land from enemies “G” set armed forces that watch for sources of trouble
Please copy the questions (5); Use the map on page 20 to answer. Thanks. 1.What is the percentage of immigrants coming to the US from North America? 2.What is the percentage of immigrants coming from South America? 3.Which continent sends the least number of immigrants to the United States? 4.From which continent does 16.4 percent of the immigrants to the United States? 5.What is the source for this map?
Examine why people need government Identify the forms & purposes of government
oNext Quiz – Chapter 1, Section 1 quiz – 8/28
Bell ringer Three Functions of Government 8 Questions you should know … Outline – Democratic Governments
President Obama has 3 major jobs … 1.Keep order and provide security 2.Provide Public Services 3.Guide the Community
“G” provide _____ that would not be available without cooperation & coordination “G” create & manage libraries, schools, hospitals, parks and recreation centers “G build & repair ________, erect bridges and deliver mail “G” set up fire departments, ambulance services and regulate doctors “G” give to needy (food aid for poor, health care, job training and programs for disabled)
“G” set __________when they pass laws or develop guidelines to reach certain goals “G” have limited amounts of money so it must _________ wisely “G” take responsibility for communicating and cooperating with other __________ International ________, _______ and _________ pacts are all part of public policy Protecting consumers, strengthening _________ are examples of public policy
Where did the foundations of democracy begin? What is a course of government action to achieve community goals? What is a plan for collecting & spending of money? Why do governments primarily establish armed forces? A state cannot take actions that go against the laws & authority of whom? What is the study of the rights and duties of citizens? Who is the ruling authority for a community? What is the role of government inspectors? Pgs 6-12