During Reading Strategies EDRD 620 Spring 2008 Instructor: Melissa Ferro
During Reading Strategies Purpose Extract meaning from the text by: Monitoring understanding of text Focusing on problem-solving skills Visualizing details Adjusting pace of reading to promote comprehension Develop a repertoire of strategies
During-Reading Strategies Predicting Visualizing Ideas / Drawing Pictures Skipping / Categorizing Unknown Words Reading rate / Reread Read Aloud / Think Aloud Think-Pair-Share
Predicting What does the title mean? What do the pictures or illustrations mean? What is the text about? Where does it take place? Who are the characters? What do you already know about the topic? How will the story end?
Visualizing Ideas Drawing Pictures Reading is seeing! Visualize ideas Use of sensory language and descriptive details Sounds, colors, textures, smells Drawing Pictures/Symbols Identify topic, main characters, themes Compare and contrast main idea *Must be age and level appropriate
Skipping Unknown Words Make list of unknown words/expressions Use surrounding words for clues Use context--What words might make sense? Categorize the words,.e.g., nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. Use of synonyms to show similarities Use antonyms to show comparisons
Reading Rate / Reread Encourage students to slow down The fastest reader is not always the “best” reader Encourage students to reread difficult sections
Read Aloud / Think Aloud Teacher models: Reading pace Pronunciation Intonation Reactions during reading: “I wonder what that means?” “Why is it important?” “I wonder why that happened?” “I wonder what will happen next?”
Think – Pair - Share Structured discussion during reading Teacher provides direction: Questions Graphic Organizers Students work individually for few moments Students work in pairs to compare/share ideas Clock Buddies Whole group discussion
Recap Overlap between pre-reading and during reading strategies Graphic Organizers / Predicting etc… Importance of expectations for level of comprehension Promote visualization of ideas: reading is seeing Teacher as role model for good reading strategies!!