L ESSON 22 4 TH G RADE Day 1
D IARY Your story this week is a DIARY. A diary is a personal account of the author’s day to day experiences, ideas, and feeling. As you read this week’s story, look for…. First person point of view The author’s thoughts about the people, places, and events.
Q UESTION OF THE D AY How might keeping a diary help you to write a story about something that happened to you?
R EAD A LOUD : L ISTENING C OMPREHENSION Today I will read a personal narrative called “Keeping a Journal.” Personal Narratives: are written from a first-person point of view. tell the author’s personal thoughts and feelings. As I read this personal narrative listen to learn about the author’s experiences of keeping a journal
F OCUS S KILL : Character, Setting, and Plot turn to page 570 in you Reading Book.
Stories contain three main elements: character, setting, and plot. The characters and setting work together to shape the plot. Each event in a story affects the events that follow it. The plot often includes several events that reveal a conflict or problem. At the end of most stories, the conflict or problem is resolved.
U SE S TORY S TRUCTURE Alicia stood at the bus stop, puzzled. The second bus had just passed by. She was sure this was where her brother told her to wait. Why didn’t the bus stop? She didn’t understand the bus system in this big California city at all. As she waited, people slowly began to gather at the bus stop. Luckily, a woman in the crowd saw the worried look on Alicia’s face and asked if she could help. Relieved, Alicia showed her the slip of paper with the name of her stop written on it.
T HINK A LOUD o This story is about Alicia. o The setting is a bus stop in a city in California. o Alicia’s problem is that she doesn’t understand the bus system. o As a group gathers at the bus stop, a woman in the group notices Alicia’s worried look and offers to help. o Based on these events, you can predict that the woman will tell Alicia whether she is at the right bus stop.
L ET ’ S READ TO SEE IF OUR PREDICTION IS CORRECT : The woman assured her that she was waiting in the right place and told her what number to look for on the bus. Alicia smiled and said, “Thank you.” “Maybe living in this big, strange city won’t be so bad if people are this nice,” she thought. 18
Alicia stood at the bus stop; she looked worried; a woman in the crowd at the bus stop noticed Alicia looking worried; the woman helped her.
Lesson 22 Vocabulary
When a person feels ready to burst if he or she doesn’t say something, it means that the person is very excited and cannot wait to say that thing. If you had to keep a secret from your best friend would you feel as if you might burst? Why or why not?
Opportunities are chances to do something you want to do. What opportunities for fun are there at your school or neighborhood playground?
When people huddle together, they gather close to each other in a tight group. When might a group of animals huddle together?
If a person comforted a friend, he or she helped that friend feel better about something. When was a time that you comforted a friend? What did you do?
If someone recognizes you, it means they know who you are when they see you. What could you do to make sure that no one recognizes you?
A journey is a trip from one place to another that usually takes a long time. What is an unforgettable journey you have taken?
Fluency: Intonation Good readers read aloud with intonation that matches the tone of the selection. Listen as I read aloud the following passage using appropriate intonation.
My first journal was a pocket-size, hot pink book with “diary” written across the cover in cursive, gold letters. It came with a key no bigger that a peanut to open a tiny lock so wobbly you could easily pop it with a bent paper clip, which is what I did after I lost the miniature key. At first, I hesitated to write in the journal. Every great book I’d ever read had adventure, mystery, and suspense. My life was stale tuna sandwiches, clarinet practice, and soccer games-not exactly gripping drama. From “Keeping a Journal” by Trudi Strain Trueit
Her life is not very exciting.
She feels a sense of freedom because she can say anything she wants.
To tell others how great it is to keep a journal.
S PELLING : W ORD P ARTS : IN, OUT, DOWN, UP T31 incomplete indirect indent instead include inexact infamous outbid outbreak outcast outdated outdoor downfall downhill downpour downstairs update upfront uphill upwind Challenge Words: inexpensive involuntary outpatient upstage downplay