Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Low Carbon Economy - Local Context ESP Board, 19 February 2015 Jane Wildblood
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit ESP Low Carbon Economy Work-stream Encourage renewable energy development, retention of local economic benefit and community ownership Facilitate domestic energy efficiency & tackle fuel poverty Facilitate skill development to enable local people to benefit from transition to low carbon economy Develop local food policy & strategy Influence West of England economic strategy Inform B&NES Economic Strategy, Transport strategies & Public Service Board Vision
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Energy at Home
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Energy at Home
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Community Energy
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Sustainable travel
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Local Food
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Local Food
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Green & Grow LCEGS – growing 4-5% pa Retrofit market in B&NES: £10 to £20 million; 200 to 400 new jobs Renewables: potential 2000 new jobs in long-term
End Next: Economic Strategy – John Cox
Bath and North East Somerset - The place to live, work and visit ECONOMIC STRATEGY REVIEW PROMOTING A SUSTAINABLE LOW CARBON ECONOMY
Health & Well-Being and Sustainability cross cutting core values “As resources become more expensive businesses with lean manufacturing methods will be at an advantage and residents that reduce their energy consumption will be better placed to benefit from the economic recovery. Promoting local production and purchasing will help to create a more sustainable economy” BUSINESS PLACEPEOPLE Our three themes
Our overall GROWTH AMBITION overall number of jobs in B&NES by 11,500 average productivity GVA output
MEASURING SUCCESS How will we know when we have got there? Jobs Priority Sectors Jobs Environmental and Low Carbon sectors CO₂ Emissions across B&NES Ratio House Price Affordability
End Next: PSB - Sarah Brown
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Bath & North East Somerset Public Services Board Purpose: The Board is the coming together of key local public sector agencies to provide leadership and set the strategic direction across Bath & North East Somerset partnership arrangements. »Cllr Paul Crossley (Chair) »Jo Farrar – Bath & North East Somerset Council »Caroline Peters – Avon & Somerset Police »Mick Dixon, Avon Fire & Rescue »Tracey Cox & Dr Ian Orpen – Clinical Commissioning Group »Victor Da Cunha – Curo »Bernie Morley & Neil Sammells – Bath & Bath Spa Universities »Jilly Edwards – Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector representative »Steve Fuller – Business representative
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Public Services Board Bath and North East Somerset will be internationally renowned as a beautifully inventive and entrepreneurial 21 st century place with a strong social purpose and a spirit of wellbeing, where everyone is invited to think big – a ‘connected’ area ready to create an extraordinary legacy for future generations’ onwards 2015 Supported by 3 themes LivingWorkingGetting Around Health & Wellbeing Strategy Economic Strategy Transport Strategy
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Work Programme & Priorities »Growing & integrating communities – A co-ordinated response from the Public Sector in the face of significant on-going and forthcoming developments, particularly planning for infrastructure to support this growth. »Ensuring that everyone has a good network – Work Stream led by the Health & Wellbeing Board and focusses particularly on tackling isolation and loneliness. »Managing our environmental & natural assets – Work Stream to become part of the ESP work programme focussing on better understanding of the value of the natural environment.
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Work Programme & Priorities »Opportunities for local people – Tackling the issue of young people leaving education with little or no employability skills. »The economy – An overview of the delivery of the Economic Strategy and a particular focus on clear brand identified for the city of Bath »Getting around easily / connectivity – An overview of the delivery of the Transport Strategy and the development of a suite of Transport Strategies for B&NES.
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Current focus »Foxhill / Mulberry Park regeneration »Support and challenge to strategy development e.g Health & Wellbeing Strategy refresh »Emergency planning responses to severe weather across agencies »Timeline development
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Contact details Sarah Brown Strategy & Performance Bath & North East Somerset Council