L ESSON 22 4 TH G RADE Day 3
D IARY Your story this week is a DIARY. A diary is a personal account of the author’s day to day experiences, ideas, and feeling. As you read this week’s story, look for…. First person point of view The author’s thoughts about the people, places, and events.
Q UESTION OF THE D AY How would you feel if someone who hadn’t seen you in a long time recognized you right away?
R EAD A LOUD : L ISTENING C OMPREHENSION I read a personal narrative called “Keeping a Journal.” Personal Narratives: are written from a first-person point of view. tell the author’s personal thoughts and feelings. As I read this personal narrative what did you learn about the author’s experiences of keeping a journal?
F OCUS S KILL : Character, Setting, and Plot
Fluency: Intonation Good readers read aloud with intonation that matches the tone of the selection.
What makes Amada realize that she is stronger that she thought in the story “My Diary from Here to There”?
Amada realized she would always hold memories of Mexico and the love of her friends and family inside her heart. She also realized she had been able to get through difficult times on the journey to the United States. Both of these were sources of strength for her.
Character, Setting, and Plot Practice: Open your Practice Book to page 129. Read the paragraph and complete the story map.
Look in your reading books on Pages 580 and 581.
Desert highways; Mexicali
The new settings show that Amada is getting farther from her old home and closer to her new home.
Lesson 22 Vocabulary
When a person feels ready to burst if he or she doesn’t say something, it means that the person is very excited and cannot wait to say that thing. What kind of situation might make you feel like you could burst?
Opportunities are chances to do something you want to do. What opportunities for fun activities are there after school?
When people huddle together, they gather close to each other in a tight group. What are some reasons for people to huddle together?
If a person comforted a friend, he or she helped that friend feel better about something. When might a person need to be comforted?
If someone recognizes you, it means they know who you are when they see you. How do you think people recognize each other if they have not seen one another for many years?
A journey is a trip from one place to another that usually takes a long time. What journey would you like to make?
Your intonation is the way the pitch of your voice rises and falls as you speak.
S PELLING : W ORD P ARTS : IN, OUT, DOWN, UP T31 incomplete indirect indent instead include inexact infamous outbid outbreak outcast outdated outdoor downfall downhill downpour downstairs update upfront uphill upwind Challenge Words: inexpensive involuntary outpatient upstage downplay