PARTNERSHIP IN THE GREEK EQUAL C.I.P. Vassiliki Staikou Managing Authority of C.I.P. EQUAL General Secretariat for the Management of European Funds Ministry of Employment & Social Protection GREECE
THE GREEK DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP (DP) Capitalising past experience, Law 2956 (article 42) was issued in 2001 to facilitate the implementation of EQUAL by constituting strategic, effective' and durable partnerships
PROVISIONS OF THE LAW Bringing together the Public & the Private sector DP performance as non-profit legal entity Administrative bodies, such as Board of Directors, Coordinator, Administrator Decision making mainly by majority voting
ADVANTAGES OF THE LAW Pluralism, Democracy, Equality, Co-responsibility Public and Private sector, NGOs and Local Authorities working together for the first time on equal footing Empowerment, Innovation, Mainstreaming DP cohesion Capacity building In readiness for the future
DISADVANTAGES OF THE LAW Rigid working model Streamlined accounting and monitoring Decision making thwarted by geography and time After all, applying Partnership practices is not always the easiest way. However,
THE GREEK NATIONAL THEMATIC NETWORKS (NTNs) The DP experience served well the NTN operation,since NTNs: Work on the basis of specific guidelines and mandate Implement a Common Work Programme Are fully committed to the principles of co- responsibility, democracy & equality Select their Coordinators and administration bodies
CONCLUDING REMARKS & THOUGHTS According to the External Evaluator the "networking" and "partnership" approach has been the very Equal good practice concerning the Greek EQUAL C.I.P. Partnership building experience may well serve future ESF Programmes planning especially where networking tradition is reported short
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