And the CAFE Model of Literacy Instruction
Piaget Children learn by constructing knowledge Memories and knowledge are organized in schemes To learn, one must assimilate new knowledge into his scheme
Vygotsky Learning occurs through interactions with others Zone of proximal development Von Glaserfeld Understanding through reflection
Montessori Self-direction, interaction and movement Teacher as facilitator Dewey Social interactions, collaboration, and motivation
Gail Boushey and Joan Moser Developed because basal wasn’t working for all students Consists of 4 components: C-comprehension A-accuracy F-fluency E-expand vocabulary
After each child is assessed, goals are determined Child is responsible for knowing his goal(s) Instruction is whole class, small group, and individual Authentic texts Teacher as coach
CAFE MODELCONSTRUCTIVISM Reading is thinking Teacher and student interactions Teacher provides scaffolding Student knows goal Individual teacher conferences Choice of authentic texts Move to sit and read Piaget-constructing knowledge Vygotsky’s social learning Vygotsky’s ZPD Von Glaserfeld’s reflection Dewey’s motivation, Montessori’s self-direction Montessori’s movement
Video Overview Video Overview Demonstration of check your understanding check for understanding check for understanding Demonstration of Accuracy lesson: Chunk letters and sounds together accuracy: chunk letters and sounds together accuracy: chunk letters and sounds together More resources available on web site Daily CAFE website