Pocket Size Entertainment Amy Moore Colleen Miller Cory Worgen Nam Shartzer
Vision Statement Low Cost and Satisfaction Quality Convenience of Home Made for Everyone Created by Educated Individuals Greener Environment
Company Overview Where PSE resides Why a Corporation? PSE Goals ▫Success ▫Sales Growth ▫Ethics and Social Responsibility
Product USB and What it is… Modern Technology Size of the Device Downloadable Movies Convenient Scratch Free Clutter Free
Division of Labor CEO VP 3 Branches of Business ▫Operations ▫Marketing ▫Finance
Marketing Department Marketing Manager Sales Manager Distribution Team
Target Market All Ages 18 y/o and Over to Purchase Access to Internet Possession of Credit Card
MiniMovie Competitors Differential Competitive Advantage ▫iTunes ▫Blockbuster ▫Red Box ▫Major Electronic Sales Stores
Customer Satisfaction number 24/7 90 day warranty Money Back Guarantee Promotion Strategy ▫Low Cost ▫Free Movie Redemptions
MiniMovie Advertising Commercials Billboards Kiosks Mail Stuffers Discounts/Coupons/Promotion
Information Tech Department Website Management ▫New Releases ▫Phone Support ▫Website Assistance ▫Product Orders PSE Help Desk
Warehouse Management Managers Employees ▫Truck Loading/Unloading ▫Assembly ▫Packaging
HR Department Process of Hiring ▫Initial Screening ▫Employee Testing ▫Selection Interview ▫Background Checks ▫Decision to Hire
HR Responsibilities Hiring Recruiting Training Evaluating Motivating
Operation Department Factory Manager Outsourced USB Wyoming Robotics/Conveyor Belts ▫Labeling Equipment CAD/CAM Systems Daily QC
Finance Department Financial Manager ▫Treasurer ▫CPA QuickBooks Company Presentations
Financing Types of PSE Financing ▫Accounts Payable ▫Commercial Paper ▫Line of Credit ▫Short Term Loans Statement Balance ▫Projected Profits ▫Projected Expenses
Office Technology To Every Employee a Computer ▫Web Cam Video Conferences ▫Internet Access ▫Company ▫Basic Office Software
Technology Software Adobe Graphic Software CAD/CAM Software Kiosks Hubs Labeling Software QuickBooks
Ethics and Social Responsibility Honesty and Integrity Product Quality Respect to One Another Upholding Financial Backing Think Green Be Professional
Gaining Competitive Advantage Product Quality/Fair Service Modern Products Low Costs Customer Satisfaction Community Interaction Advertising Employee Diversity
Vision of PSE Expansion of Product Worldwide Defeat Outsourcing Establish Licensing Agreements Become a Joint Venture BE SUCCESSFUL