Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts The urban dimension in the new programming period 2007 – 2013 POLAND Dr. Ferdynand Morski Executive Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts The urban dimension in the new programming period 2007 – 2013 POLAND Dr. Ferdynand Morski Executive Director

Overview Urban Policy in Poland Urban Policy in Poland Spatial planning at city/town level Spatial planning at city/town level Urban planning at metropolitan level Urban planning at metropolitan level Region of Silesia: types of urban action covered through the Regional Operational Programme Region of Silesia: types of urban action covered through the Regional Operational Programme Partnership and multilevel governance Partnership and multilevel governance The urban dimension in Poland 2007 – 2013: lessons for the future The urban dimension in Poland 2007 – 2013: lessons for the future

Introduction The Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts – a voluntary the Region of Silesia (4,7 mln inhabitants), south of Poland The Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts – a voluntary association of local governments located in Katowice in the Region of Silesia (4,7 mln inhabitants), south of Poland 126 members (cities, towns, rural communities, districts) 126 members (cities, towns, rural communities, districts) 12 Committees + Urban Policy Working Group 12 Committees + Urban Policy Working Group

Urban Policy in Poland There is no single National Government document establishing Urban Policy in Poland There is no single National Government document establishing Urban Policy in Poland Some elements of Urban Policy exist in various sectoral policies and strategic documents (e.g. National Development Strategy, National Spatial Development Concept, National Strategy for Regional Development) Some elements of Urban Policy exist in various sectoral policies and strategic documents (e.g. National Development Strategy, National Spatial Development Concept, National Strategy for Regional Development) National strategic document concerning urban policy is currently in elaboration in the Ministry for Regional Development National strategic document concerning urban policy is currently in elaboration in the Ministry for Regional Development This document should be accepted soon after the Parliamentary election This document should be accepted soon after the Parliamentary election

Urban Policy in Poland Urban Policy will probably aim at preservation of the polycentric character of Polish space (which means that no one city dominates in national space – as e.g. London, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Budapest) Urban Policy will probably aim at preservation of the polycentric character of Polish space (which means that no one city dominates in national space – as e.g. London, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Budapest) The main priorities will probably be: The main priorities will probably be: Revitalization of deprived urban quarters and postindustrial areas Revitalization of deprived urban quarters and postindustrial areas Creating new regulations for metropolitan areas vesting them with legal status and some competences Creating new regulations for metropolitan areas vesting them with legal status and some competences

Urban Policy in Poland Stopping deterioration of economic position of small towns Stopping deterioration of economic position of small towns Development of urban technical and social infrastructure (especially housing) Development of urban technical and social infrastructure (especially housing) Resisting the process of suburbanization Resisting the process of suburbanization

Articulation of Urban Policy through EU programmes Strengthening of small towns is being treated through several measures in some of Regional OPs Strengthening of small towns is being treated through several measures in some of Regional OPs Technical and social infrastructure in ROPs and OP Infrastructure and Environment Technical and social infrastructure in ROPs and OP Infrastructure and Environment Priorities concerning urban actions in most of Regional OPs (there were missing in 2 – Lubuskie and Podlaskie regions – the status may change due to further negotiations with EC) Priorities concerning urban actions in most of Regional OPs (there were missing in 2 – Lubuskie and Podlaskie regions – the status may change due to further negotiations with EC)

Articulation of Urban Policy through EU programmes Names of priorities concerning urban actions in selected ROPs: Names of priorities concerning urban actions in selected ROPs: Śląskie (Silesia) – Priority VI – Sustainable Urban Development Śląskie (Silesia) – Priority VI – Sustainable Urban Development Dolnośląskie (Lower Silesia) – Priority X – Renewal of deprived urban areas Dolnośląskie (Lower Silesia) – Priority X – Renewal of deprived urban areas Małopolskie (Little Poland) – Priority V – Cracow Metropolitan Area and within Priority VI Interregional Cohesion – Measure 6.1 Urban Development Małopolskie (Little Poland) – Priority V – Cracow Metropolitan Area and within Priority VI Interregional Cohesion – Measure 6.1 Urban Development Mazowieckie (Mazovia) – Priority V – Fostering the role of cities in regional development Mazowieckie (Mazovia) – Priority V – Fostering the role of cities in regional development Pomorskie (Pomerania) – Priority III – Urban and metropolitan functions Pomorskie (Pomerania) – Priority III – Urban and metropolitan functions Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) – Priority IV – Restructuring and fostering the territorial potentials Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) – Priority IV – Restructuring and fostering the territorial potentials

Articulation of Urban Policy through EU programmes Several priorities support indirectly urban development through strengthening key local/regional development institutions and programmes (e.g. universities, research institutes and programmes, high- tech parks, technology transfer centers etc.) Several priorities support indirectly urban development through strengthening key local/regional development institutions and programmes (e.g. universities, research institutes and programmes, high- tech parks, technology transfer centers etc.)

JESSICA in POLAND Region of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship is working towards establishment of Urban Development Fund (UDF) under the new Community Initiative – JESSICA Region of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship is working towards establishment of Urban Development Fund (UDF) under the new Community Initiative – JESSICA Some other regions are currently contemplating implementation of JESSICA Some other regions are currently contemplating implementation of JESSICA It seems highly unlikely that region of Silesia will launch its own JESSICA-related fund It seems highly unlikely that region of Silesia will launch its own JESSICA-related fund

Other forms of support for urban development Ministerial institutes and research programmes (e.g. Institute for Urban Development in Cracow, sponsored by Ministry for Construction) The National Economic Bank features several financial support programmes addressed to cities including partly remitted debts, concerning e.g. housing, thermal insulation of buildings, urban transportation, e.g. Fund for Development of Local Investments Governmental programme aiming at preparation for Euro 2012

Other forms of support for urban development National and regional funds for protection of environment and water management are providing cities with partly remitted loans

Urban planning at city/town level Urban planning is subject to constantly changing legal framework – lack of legal stability, Urban planning is subject to constantly changing legal framework – lack of legal stability, Lack of legal stability leads to increase of level of spatial chaos Lack of legal stability leads to increase of level of spatial chaos Instrument of Masterplan at city/town level is currently quite rarely used in Poland Instrument of Masterplan at city/town level is currently quite rarely used in Poland In Polish law it has existed in the past - termed as General Plan In Polish law it has existed in the past - termed as General Plan

Urban planning at city/town level At the moment the term Masterplan is being used for large constructions or areas which are being developed (e.g. airports) At the moment the term Masterplan is being used for large constructions or areas which are being developed (e.g. airports) so called Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development (Planning) is not an equivalent of Masterplan, it stresses spatial aspects (no universal legal binding) so called Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development (Planning) is not an equivalent of Masterplan, it stresses spatial aspects (no universal legal binding) In Poland exists also Local Spatial Plan which is much more detailed then a Study In Poland exists also Local Spatial Plan which is much more detailed then a Study

Planning at metropolitan level At the moment none of Polish Metropolises has their own metropolitan legal status At the moment none of Polish Metropolises has their own metropolitan legal status Current bill of Metropolitan Law provides Metropolises with no own competences (tasks) and no own financial resources (week legal status) Current bill of Metropolitan Law provides Metropolises with no own competences (tasks) and no own financial resources (week legal status)

Planning at metropolitan level At the moment metropolitan planning is located within competences of regional government (Regional Council – the Sejmik) At the moment metropolitan planning is located within competences of regional government (Regional Council – the Sejmik) Under current legal regulations metropolitan plans would be prepared in the same procedure as regional spatial plans Under current legal regulations metropolitan plans would be prepared in the same procedure as regional spatial plans

Planning at metropolitan level Planning at metropolitan level is only in initial stage: at the moment metropolitan plans are being prepared and consulted by cities: Warsaw, Wrocław and Voivodeships of Little Poland (Kraków), Pomerania (TriCity) Planning at metropolitan level is only in initial stage: at the moment metropolitan plans are being prepared and consulted by cities: Warsaw, Wrocław and Voivodeships of Little Poland (Kraków), Pomerania (TriCity)

Planning at metropolitan level The reason: under current Concept for Spatial Development of the Country limits of metropolitan areas has not been indicated (an idea of a core city and metropolitan area) The reason: under current Concept for Spatial Development of the Country limits of metropolitan areas has not been indicated (an idea of a core city and metropolitan area) These limits will be indicated in the new Concept for Spatial Development of the Country These limits will be indicated in the new Concept for Spatial Development of the Country This document will be probably elaborated by the end of June 2008 This document will be probably elaborated by the end of June 2008

Planning at metropolitan level An area of Upper Silesian Agglomeration (Greater Katowice area) is covered by newly established Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union An area of Upper Silesian Agglomeration (Greater Katowice area) is covered by newly established Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union One of the most urgent and priority task will be to elaborate the draft of Metropolitan Spatial Plan One of the most urgent and priority task will be to elaborate the draft of Metropolitan Spatial Plan

Urban Policy on regional level – case of Silesia Silesia is a highly urbanized region- 71 cities and towns; 19 cities with districts competences, 79% of population lives in cities and towns; the highest population density in Poland Silesia is a highly urbanized region- 71 cities and towns; 19 cities with districts competences, 79% of population lives in cities and towns; the highest population density in Poland Only priority no. VI of ROP is devoted directly to urban actions (VI. Sustainable Urban Development) – 312,8 mln euro i.e. 18,26% of total allocation for Silesia (2nd largest allocation per priority) – altogether Silesian ROP has been allocated with mln euro Only priority no. VI of ROP is devoted directly to urban actions (VI. Sustainable Urban Development) – 312,8 mln euro i.e. 18,26% of total allocation for Silesia (2nd largest allocation per priority) – altogether Silesian ROP has been allocated with mln euro

Urban Policy on regional level – case of Silesia Priority VI includes such measures as: 6.1 Strengthening the regional centers for growth; 6.2 Revitalization of deprived areas Priority VI includes such measures as: 6.1 Strengthening the regional centers for growth; 6.2 Revitalization of deprived areas Less satisfied with final version of ROP are middle-sized and small towns Less satisfied with final version of ROP are middle-sized and small towns In final version of ROP allocation for priority VI was significantly increased (ca. 100 mln euro more) In final version of ROP allocation for priority VI was significantly increased (ca. 100 mln euro more)

Housing in ROP – case of Silesia Issue of housing belongs to one of the most difficult problems of regional policy in Poland and especially in Silesia Issue of housing belongs to one of the most difficult problems of regional policy in Poland and especially in Silesia Housing is treated in ROP for Voivodeship of Silesia in a very reduced way Housing is treated in ROP for Voivodeship of Silesia in a very reduced way is limited to removing of asbestos elements from constructions (especially housing estates) is limited to removing of asbestos elements from constructions (especially housing estates) Stress on blocks of flats Stress on blocks of flats

Partnership and multilevel governance ROP in Silesia was drawn in public debates and partnership with all regional actors ROP in Silesia was drawn in public debates and partnership with all regional actors Cities were fully included Cities were fully included Already in February 2005 the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts has organized a debate concerning main priorities of the Regional Operational Programme in new programming period Already in February 2005 the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts has organized a debate concerning main priorities of the Regional Operational Programme in new programming period

Partnership and multilevel governance Representatives of cities were appointed to the Monitoring Committee of the ROP as well as to Permanent Co-operation Conference hosted by representative of the National Government (Voivode) Representatives of cities were appointed to the Monitoring Committee of the ROP as well as to Permanent Co-operation Conference hosted by representative of the National Government (Voivode) Despite opinions (supported by many cities) concerning utilization of device of global grant in ROP as well as delegation of some competences regarding implementation of Structural Funds to cities (or groups of cities) – these solutions were not included in the ROP for Silesia Despite opinions (supported by many cities) concerning utilization of device of global grant in ROP as well as delegation of some competences regarding implementation of Structural Funds to cities (or groups of cities) – these solutions were not included in the ROP for Silesia

Lessons for the future Urban Actions should be included at greater length in all ROPs strongly based on methodology of integrated sustainable urban development (Acquis URBAN) It seems necessary to include a tool of global grant in the fabric of future OPs allowing cities to manage a bunch of projects elaborated within an integrated strategy for sustainable urban development Regions should be more flexible with delegating to cities (or groups of cities) some competences concerning implementation of Structural Funds in their area

Thank you Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts