- Pronunciation - Intonation
How many different tones does Mandarin have? 4 What effect do these different tones have on the language? Each tone gives a word a different meaning.
The rise and fall of ones voice. In phonology this is known as intonation. Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say.
Intonation is the rising, or falling pitch in the speakers voice as they say words or phrases. In many languages, changes in pitch reflect a change in meaning of what is being said. (eg. Mandarin and Thai.)
Is the English language a tonal language? Yes and no. English uses tone to emphasise and enhance a meaning of a word rather than changing its meaning altogether.
In grammar: Use your finger to trace the rise and fall (intonation) of the following sentence. What do you notice? Now lets plot it onto some music paper and see what happens! Where did you go?
Where did you go? Use your finger to trace the rise and fall (intonation) of the following sentence. What do you notice? Now lets plot it onto some music paper and see what happens! Where did you go? = falling intonation
Yes, I did see him. him see did I Yes, = rising
Did you see him? Did you see him? = falling
I bought a tomato, cucumber, and salad. cucumber tomatoand asalad. bought I rising, rising, rising, falling
'You're a pilot, aren't you?‘ you?‘ 'You're aren't a pilot, 'chat' - falling; 'check' - rising
No No