牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块十一 · 高三下学期 )
板块:教学设计 —— 课件 Unit 1 Jobs Word power
Unit 1 课件描述: 本课件条理清晰,环环相扣, 激发学生的思维,扩大学生的词汇 量,不断在词汇的量上进行补充, 复习旧单词,学习新单词。同时锻 炼了学生的思维和口头表达能力。
Please list some jobs you have learnt before according to the following categories: 1. Practical jobs; 2. Caring jobs; 3. Analytical jobs; 4. Entertainment jobs; 5. Educational jobs; 6. Technical and Scientific jobs; 7. Jobs based on information technology; 8. Public service jobs.
1.Please read “Different types of jobs” on page 6 and add some new job names mentioned in this magazine article to the list above. 2. do the exercise C on Page Besides all above, please add more. The teacher will give you some guidance.
Ask two students come to the front of the class. The teacher shows a card in which a job name is printed to one student. This student then describes the job in English to the other student but cannot mention the job name. The other student guesses the job.
1. How many unusual jobs do you know? If you could choose to have an unusual job, what would it be and why? private investigators DJ snake charmer
Please finish D on Page 7 and know more about unusual jobs.