The Language Laboratory is designed on Moodle Platform - Open Source Learning Management System to impart personalized attention to the students. Proven learning tools and techniques such as confidence building activities and interactive exercises developed by facilitators of the Centurion University, Android Apps to Learn English, Corporate Presentations, Quizzes, OER and other programs from BBC, ELTI, EFL, TOEFL are incorporated to make sure the learner gains confidence, improves English communication skills, understands the information, retains the information and is equipped to apply new knowledge in the workplace.
Learning to learn a language through communication Build Confidence Interactive remedial work for average students Fluency is an important dimension of the program Instructional focus on the non-linguistic aspects of communication, including rhythm, stress, pitch, tone and intonation Minimise grammatical errors
Open Source Course Management System Organized Interface for e-learning Used for online & distance learning, virtual learning environment, free e-learning software Easy to use Bridges the Content Gap Alternative to Learn independently & interdependently to study online Moodle has pedagogies Students communicate with each other Provides instant feedback
For more information contact: Developed by the Department of English, 2015