Rural Development Policy


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Presentation transcript:

Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 Sehr geehrter Herr Vorsitzender, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Zunächst möchte ich mich herzlich bei Ihnen für die Einladung bedanken. Gleichzeitig bitte ich meinen Direktor Herrn Constantinou zu entschuldigen, der ursprünglich zugesagt hatte aber im Endeffekt nicht kommen konnte, da anderer Termine dazwischen gekommen sind. Damit dies nicht wie die übliche Entschuldigung klingt, lassen Sie mich betonen, dass er sehr gerne gekommen wäre, aber Termine die direkt mit dem Vortragsthema zu tun haben dazwischen gekommen sind: In seinem Direktorat wird zur Zeit die Umsetzung der Programme für die ländliche Entwicklung in 11 Mitgliedstaaten der EU für die nächste Förderperiode vorbereitet und mit den Mitgliedstaaten diskutiert, weshalb es im Endeffekt zu einer Terminkollision gekommen ist. Er bat mich seine Rolle zu übernehmen und ich komme dieser Bitte besonders gerne nach, da ich bis vor zwei Jahren noch in der Agrarforschung tätig war und auch heute noch als Privatdozent mit der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Uni Bonn eng verbunden bin. Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development 11 October - Open Days 2007

Why is rural development policy so important ? Predominantly and significantly rural areas make up: 92 % of surface area of the EU 53 % of employment 45 % or cross value creation Albeit great diversity and variety: serious structural deficits exist in many parts of Europe OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

Socio-economic challenges for rural areas Higher rates of population decline and out-migration of qualified young people. Per capita income is about a third less Education levels are lower A smaller share of households has access to broadband internet. The service sector is less developed. Lack of investment in village renewal and low accessibility to public services. OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

But new opportunities are created by : Changes in lifestyles and consumer expectations Better communication New tourism patterns Relocation of business and research activity Recreational services for urban population OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

Environmental challenges for rural areas Divergent environmental performance of agriculture in preservation of natural resources Problems of nitrogen surplus, ammonia emissions, eutrophication, soil degradation, biodiversity decline in many areas Risk of decline in biodiversity and disappearance of cultural landscape due to land abandonment OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

New environmental opportunities: Increased share of organic production and renewable resources. Natura 2000 framework and high nature value farming systems Landscape management by farmers OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 Three core objectives covering the main development needs in rural areas : Increasing the competitiveness of the farm and forestry sector through support for restructuring, modernisation and quality production Enhancing the environment and the countryside through support for land management Enhancing the quality of life in rural areas and promoting diversification of economic activities OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 7

Rural Development Programme architecture Rural Development Strategic Objectives « LEADER » Axis Axis 1 Competi-tiveness (min.10%) Axis 2 Environment, Land Management (min.25%) Axis 3 Economic Divers. Quality of life (min.10%) Single set of programming, financing, monitoring, auditing rules Single Rural Development Fund OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

Possible support under Axis 1: Increasing Competitiveness Measures aiming at improving human potential: vocational training; setting up of young farmers; early retirement; management, relief and advisory services, ... Measures aiming at restructuring physical potential: investments to improve production, processing and marketing structures (and infrastructures), innovation and cooperation ... Measures aiming at improving the quality of agricultural production and products: adaptation to new EU-standards: participation in food quality schemes; promotion for quality products Transitional measures for the new Member States : semi-subsistence farms; setting up of producer groups OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 9

Possible support under Axis 2: Land management and environment Measures targeting the sustainable use of agricultural land: mountain areas; other areas with handicaps; Natura 2000 areas; Water framework directive, agri-environment and animal welfare; ... Measures targeting the sustainable use of forestry land: first afforestation; first establishment of agro-forestry systems; Natura 2000 areas; forest-environment; restoring forestry production potential and introducing prevention actions; ... NB: Agri-environment measures are compulsory for each programme OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 10

Possible support under Axis 3: Diversification of the rural economy and quality of life Measures aiming at the diversification of the rural economy: diversification towards non-agricultural activities; creation and development of micro-enterprises; rural tourism; Measures aiming at the improvement of the quality of life: Basic services; conservation and upgrading of rural heritage, village renewal; training and capacity building; ... OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 11

“LEADER” Axis Implementation of local development strategies through a LEADER approach to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of one or several of the three thematic axes Inter-territorial and trans-national cooperation Capacity building and working of local action groups NB: Leader is compulsory for each programme OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 12

Programming Steps 1) EU strategy document setting out the EU priorities for the three thematic axes 2) National strategy plans translation the EU priorities to the national situation and ensuring complementarity with other policies (Cohesion policy – ESF/ERDF) 3) 94 National or regional rural development programmes articulating the four axes OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37) 13

Adoption of RD programmes State of play on 23/08/07 87 programmes submitted among 94 18 programmes approved OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)

Balance between axes per Member State OPEN DAYS 2007 – Workshop on Rural Development Policy (11E37)