Group Assignments – Sit in your groups! Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5 Chapter 18 Jay Jay, Rucha, Mike R., Tayybe Chapter 18 Corey, Dan C, Tim, Vin O, Eunice Chapter 18 Juliane, Mike, Victoria, Gabby, Greg, Chris A. Chapter 18 Lance, Lauren, Jimmy, Hanna, Michelle Chapter 19 Dom, Sonia, Aash, Daniella, Jarrod, Ava Chapter 19 Mark, Natalie, Jocelyn, Dave, Amanda Chapter 19 Marissa, Dominique, Christian, Kenneth, Scott Chapter 19 Ange, Sean, Nicole, Sameer, Alexa Chapter 20 Mario, Jillian, Mike M., Jessica, Vin, Alana Chapter 20 Raven, Dan H., Andrew, Alejandro, Chris Chapter 20 Megan, Brina, Frankie, Eric, Jake Chapter 20 Anthony, Kristy, Brooke, Seamus, Joe, Rachel Chapter 21 and 22 Dave, Yogesh, Rob Chapter 21 and 22 Isabella, Vin I., Joanne, Chapter 21 and 22 Julianna, Alex, William Chapter 21 and 22 Vin, Tom, Tarrin, Alexa,
Agenda and Objective Agenda Project Parameters Groups Group work Objective Through collaborative group work, students will utilize the Macbook pro technology to publish a "script" from the TKAM novel on a Google drive document in order to make assumptions about character motivation and tone.
PROJECT PARAMETERS AKA – what are you doing?
Group Work Each GROUP MEMBER is responsible for coming up with two questions to ask the audience while their play is going on. It might be directly related to character motivation, content, mood, theme, etc. Please make sure there is a mixture! All scripts must follow the specific format, as outlined by The Crucible exemplar provided. All group members must have a speaking role and will be graded on your performance. Enthusiasm, inflection, intonation, etc.
How to properly format a play…
In your groups… Sign into your SCHOOL Gmail accounts – I have shared a document with all of you. Period ___ Chapter ___ group You will use this document to edit the script for the rest of the period.
Homework EVERYONE must read chapter 18 for homework tonight and be prepared to act. Chapter 18 group is going tomorrow!!