5 Love Languages The way we show and receive appreciation.
What did your survey say about your love language? I wonder what language was most common? I wonder what language was least common?
Let’s find out! Write your primary love language on a small sticky note.
Get a piece of graph paper. – Don’t forget to write your Name # Date Subject
Next draw a horizontal line toward the bottom of the page. Then draw a vertical line toward the left side of the page.
The special name for these line are axis. Now label them…leave space to write on the axis. Give it a title. 5 Love Languages Number of students Our Languages of Appreciation
On the Horizontal axis make 5 marks and label them. 5 Love Languages Number of students Gifts Touch Words Service Time On the vertical axis label each line as 1, 2, 3…
Now you have a graph to graph our data on! I know Ethan K. is wondering … what does this have to do with sticky notes? Good Question. When your teacher excuses you, you can put your sticky note on the graph, above your primary love language.
I know Marta is wondering do I get to color or draw on this thing. Good Question. With your teachers permission you my add color by coloring in the bars that are formed by the sticky notes.
What does this graph tell us? What language is the most common? What language is the least common? What else do you notice?
What did you learn? What is a vertical line? What is a horizontal line? What is an axis? What is a graph? What is data? What does most common mean? What does least common mean?
Extra Credit Fact! On a graph the most common is called the… MODE Have a great day! Mrs. Kevwitch