WHAT CONSTITUTES A HEALTHY DIET qCarbohydrates - energy qFats - insulates, protects, energy qProtein - tissue repair small amount energy qVitamins - tissue repair / metabolism
qMinerals - bones / hemoglobin / connective tissue qFibre – digestion qWater - component / temp regulator/ transporter WHAT CONSTITUTES A HEALTHY DIET
CARBOHYDRATES 2 types - qSimple ( rapidly absorbed) qComplex (slowly absorbed) qMust be replenished daily, (stored as glycogen) enough for approximately 1 hour qTherefore we must re-fuel
STARTING EXERCISE WITH LOW GLYCOGEN STORES qEarly fatigue qReduced training intensity qReduced training gains qPoor performance qIncreased injury risk qSlower recovery qBurn out / over training syndrome (if chronic)
FATS qProvide vitamins A,D,E. Insulation protection of organs & energy 2 Main types; qSaturated - mainly animal products cholesterol only found in animal products
qUnsaturated 2 types; qPolyunsaturated - plant oils (sunflower) qMono-unsaturated – found in olives and avocado's. FATS
qCut down on saturated fat qFish oil (eicosenoic acid) found in salmon, mackerel, herring helps lower cholesterol & triglycerides qToo much fat = atherosclerosis (thickening & hardening of the arteries) qCholesterol major cause of heart disease FATS
PROTEIN qRepairs muscle damage and helps build muscle qNot only from animals but also nuts, seeds, grains, beans etc
qDon’t need supplements - will store as fat, pass through, cause dehydration,give a lack of energy q21 amino acids 8 essential have to be consumed found in milk, poultry, meat,eggs,fish & soya beans q15% g/kg body weight PROTEIN
VITAMINS / MINERALS qVitamins - chemicals required in small amounts water soluble - vit’s B + C not stored in the body fat soluble - vit’s A,D,E+K qMinerals - minute quantities of the elements :- iron, sodium, potassium, calcium etc.
qSupplements are unnecessary. VITAMINS / MINERALS
FIBRE qWhole meal bread, pasta, cereal qBulk food that aids digestion
WATER qDehydration major cause of fatigue q2-3% loss in body weight affects performance q5% loss causes a strong thirst q20 % loss results in death qDrink :- before you are thirsty
WATER CONTENT Your body contains about 40 litres (70) pints of water, contained in blood and also in and around cells. This is about 60% of your total body mass
qBefore you train qLittle & often during training qPlenty after training qUrine should be light in colour & plenty of it WATER
BALANCE OF WATER qWater loss per day :- qUrine 1100ml qIn faeces 100ml qLungs exhaled air 200ml qSkin insensible sweat 600ml qTotal 2000ml
qWater intake per day qFluids 1000ml qWater in food 700ml qMetabolic water 300ml qTotal 2000ml BALANCE OF WATER
SUMMARY qCarbs are the most important fuel qLimit your intake of fatty foods q g/kg body weight of protein is sufficient qVit/min supplement unnecessary for most people qFluid intake is essential qA wide & varied diet provides all your nutritional & dietary requirements