Understanding MyPyramid And Dietary Guidelines The following section of the presentation details the development of the MyPyramid graphic and materials for consumers. NOTE: slides #29 – 42
Old Food Guide Pyramid
Final Graphic Design Activity Proportionality Moderation Variety Personalization Gradual Improvement The final graphic design merged the Pyramid shape, a new pattern of vertical stripes for the food groups, stairs to symbolize physical activity, and a person. Inclusion of a person not only emphasized the physical activity message, but helped to personalize the graphic for consumers. The overall design promotes the concept of finding a balance between food intake and physical activity. The design is intentionally simple, but still can be used by professionals to demonstrate six essential concepts: activity, proportionality, moderation, variety, personalization, and gradual improvement. [NOTE: more information about each concept is found on the “Anatomy of MyPyramid” sheet found at www.MyPyramid.gov/downloads/MyPyramid_Anatomy.pdf] Four of these concepts—variety, proportionality, moderation, and activity—come directly from recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines and can help to remind consumers of these important concepts. The next few slides show these recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines and how they are translated in the MyPyramid graphic.
Message: Variety In the Dietary Guidelines: Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic food groups. Nutrient Dense: high nutrient to calorie ratio meaning they are rich in nutrients when compared to their calorie content. In MyPyramid graphic: Color bands represent that all food groups are needed each day for health. One key message that is drawn from the Dietary Guidelines recommendations is variety. In the Dietary Guidelines, eating “a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic foods groups” each day is recommended. In addition, the Guidelines recommend choosing a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. In MyPyramid the basic variety message is portrayed by the different colored bands. [CLICK FOR ANIMATION] These six bands represent the five food groups and oils that are needed each day for health. By color coding the bands, consumers are reminded that different types of foods are all necessary. NOTE TO PRESENTER: This slide and the following 3 slides include animated elements. Clicking the mouse button where noted in the text will start the animation when the presentation is in slide show mode. If your version of Powerpoint does not support this animation, you will see the static image, as shown above.
Food Groups are Color Coded Each food group is identified by a unique color. This color is used both in the graphic and in information about that group. USDA encourages professionals to adopt this color coding when educating consumers about each group, so that the colors become tied to the group, for easy reference. Note that, the narrow yellow band in the graphic represents oils. While oils are needed in the diet as a source of important nutrients (essential fatty acids and vitamin E), they are not considered a food group.
Message: Proportionality In the Dietary Guidelines: Adopt a balanced eating pattern. Sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, 3 or more ounce equivalents of whole-grain products per day 3 cup equivalents per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products. In MyPyramid graphic: Differing widths of the color bands suggest about how much food should be eaten from each group. Another key message drawn from Dietary Guidelines recommendations is proportionality. In the Dietary Guidelines adopting a “balanced eating pattern, such as the USDA food guide* or the DASH eating plan*” is recommended. Additional recommendations encourage consumption of more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low fat milk products than are now consumed by most Americans. In MyPyramid the proportionality message is portrayed by the varying thickness of the food group bands. [CLICK FOR ANIMATION] These widths suggest that a person should choose more from the bigger wedges and vice versa. However, these bands do not suggest exact proportions. They are just a general guide for proportions of food one should consume. The actual amounts that are recommended vary by age, sex, and activity level. *NOTE TO PRESENTER: The term “USDA food guide” was used in the Dietary Guidelines because MyPyramid had not been released at the time the Guidelines were issued. The USDA food guide is another name for the food intake patterns that form the basis for MyPyramid. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. More information about the DASH eating plan can be found at (www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash/). NOTE TO PRESENTER: The “per day” recommendations are intended to be averages over time.
Message: Moderation In the Dietary Guidelines: Limit intake of saturated and trans fats, and choose products low in these fats. Make choices of meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk products that are lean, low-fat, or fat-free. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars or calorie sweeteners. In MyPyramid graphic: Food group bands narrow from bottom to top suggesting to eat nutrient-dense forms of foods. Another key message drawn from the Dietary Guideline recommendations is moderation. In the Dietary Guidelines, choosing foods that “limit intake of saturated and trans fats”, choosing meat, poultry, beans, and milk products that are “lean, low-fat, or fat-free,” and selecting “foods and beverages with little added sugars” is recommended. In MyPyramid, moderation is depicted by the narrowing of the bands from bottom to top. [CLICK FOR ANIMATION] Foods within a food group can vary in the amounts of solid fats and added sugars they contain. The bottom, wider portion of each band represents the foods in the most nutrient dense form—that is, containing little or no solid fats and added sugars. The top, narrow end of each band represents foods within the group with more solid fat and added sugars. For example, an apple would be at the bottom of the fruit band, sweetened applesauce higher in the band, and apple pie towards the top. Selecting more foods from the bottom of the bands provides more nutrition from the calories consumed. However, the more active a person becomes the more they can eat items from the narrow end of the band.
Message: Physical Activity In the Dietary Guidelines: Engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psychological well-being, and a healthy body weight. In MyPyramid graphic: Steps and person on them symbolize that physical activity should be a part of everyday healthy living. The fourth message drawn from the Dietary Guidelines is physical activity. In the Dietary Guidelines, regular physical activity is recommended to promote health and mental well-being. In MyPyramid, steps up the side of the Pyramid and a person actively climbing the steps are included to represent the advice to engage in regular physical activity. [CLICK FOR ANIMATION] Physical activity is important to every day living and can improve one’s health by reducing the risks for many diseases. The Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid encourage adults to engage in at least 30 minutes or more of physical activity on most, preferably all days of the week. For children, the recommendation is 60 minutes on most, preferably all, days of the week.
Additional Messages in the MyPyramid Graphic To foster implementation Personalization: The name “MyPyramid” suggests an individual approach. The person climbing the steps mentally links each viewer to the image. Gradual Improvement: The slogan “Steps to a Healthier You” suggests that improvement should happen in stages, over time. Two additional messages on the MyPyramid graphic are personalization and gradual improvement. These two concepts were included to foster behavioral change among consumers and encourage implementation of the new food guidance system. Personalization is depicted by the name “MyPyramid” and by the person climbing the steps. In addition, the web site allows people to find their own personal recommended food intake amounts. Calorie and nutrient needs differ so a personalized food intake pattern based on age/gender and physical activity can be obtained on MyPyramid.gov MyPyramid.gov allows a person to relate the food guidance to their own lifestyle for improved health. Gradual improvement is portrayed by the slogan “steps to the healthier you,” which suggests changes can be made in stages or steps over time. These changes include awareness of what one is actually eating, a reminder to vary food intake and to exercise. No matter how small the step in the right direction, gradual improvement to one’s health can be made.
Key food group messages from the Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid: Focus on fruits. Vary your veggies. Get your calcium-rich foods. Another link between the Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid are the key messages for each food group. The page shown here is from the Dietary Guidelines consumer brochure “Finding Your Way to the Healthier You.” The key messages for each food group in this brochure are also the key messages used for each food group in MyPyramid consumer materials. These messages were selected for both the Dietary Guidelines consumer brochure and for MyPyramid after consumer research showed that people found the messages easy to understand and would help them make better decisions about eating a healthier diet. Make half your grains whole. Go lean with protein. Know the limits on fats, salt, and sugars.
Servings Daily Amounts in cups or ounces The research finding about using the term “servings” in nutrition education settings bears repeating. Consumers use the term “serving” to mean their portion of food, so describing recommended amounts as a certain “number of servings” means to them that they should eat it that many times…even if their typical portion is much larger than the standardized “serving” professionals envision. (CLICK FOR ANIMATION) Therefore, USDA chose to eliminate the use of the term “servings” in describing how much to eat. Instead, they describe recommended amounts in cups or ounces for the day, which can be eaten as several portions at different times. The use of cups or ounces was well understood by consumers as long as examples were provided for each food group. The website provides examples of how much food should be considered a cup or ounce equivalent in every food group. Daily Amounts in cups or ounces
Grains Make half of your grains whole 6 ounces
Vegetables Vary your veggies Eat more dark green and orange vegetables 2 ½ cups
Fruits Focus on fruits Choose fresh, frozen, canned or dry fruits Choose fruit juice less often 2 cups
Milk Get your calcium rich foods Go low fat or fat free 3 cups
Meat and Beans Chose low fat or lean meats and poultry Bake it, Broil it or Grill it Vary your choices with fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds 5.5 oz/day
Oils Know your fats Make most of your fat sources from fish, nuts and vegetable oils Limit solid fats like butter or margarine
Ten U.S. Dietary Guidelines: Aim for Fitness 1. Aim for a healthy weight
2. Be physically active each day
Build a Healthy Base 3. Let the pyramid guide your choices 4. Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains 5. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. 6. Keep food safe to eat.
Choose Sensibly 7. Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat 8. Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars 9. Choose and prepare food with less salt 10. If you drink alcoholic beverages do so in moderation
The END!!