Look at the pictures that follow and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture.
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Look at the picture and be prepared to tell your partner what emotion is being shown in the picture. Essential Question: What is a way to organize information you gather?
Bar and Double Bar GraphCircle Graph PictographLine Graph Name _________________________________________________ Number ________________ Graph Vocabulary
Bar Graph—Compares two sets of data Question: ___________________________________________________________ YESNO Students: __________________________________________________________ Number of Students Essential Question: How do you determine which graph is most appropriate? Do you like green vegetables?
Line Graph—Tells information over time Question: ___________________________________________________________ Students: __________________________________________________________ 50 Total Minutes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Essential Question: How do you determine which graph is most appropriate? How many minutes do you read each day?
Circle Graph—Tells information based on the whole Question: ______________________________________________ Essential Question: How do you determine which graph is most appropriate?
Pictograph—Compares data with pictures that represent numbers. Question: ___________________________________________________________ Students: __________________________________________________________ Do you like pizza, hot dogs, candy, or salad best? PIZZA HOT DOGS CANDY SALAD 5 students Essential Question: How do you determine which graph is most appropriate?
Parts of a Graph Title Bar GraphLine GraphPictographCircle Graph X axis Y axis Key Percentage or part of a whole group EQ: What are the parts of a graph?
EQ: How do you analyze data in a graph?
X Axis Y Axis EQ: What are the parts of a graph?
EQ: How do you analyze data in a graph?
EQ: How do you analyze data in a chart?