A European Community of Practice on Sound Planning and Management Brussels,
Evaluation focused on the design, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation tools presented in the EQUAL Partnership Development Toolkit Self-evaluations carried out by: Lithuania Poland Sweden United Kingdom Belgium Hungary Italy Latvia
Main findings: The method found very useful Better quality project management Design problems considerably decreased High participation levels ensured Less disagreement among partners The investment worthwhile Widely applicable planning method
Conclusions from the reports: project level Activities designed and planned using PCM were more relevant, coherent, effective and efficient. Tools are best used from the start, and used consistently throughout. Monitoring and evaluation efforts are easier for project managers if the tools are used. Project managers ask for additional, timely training and support in applying PCM tools
Systematically better quality proposals. More useful if financial and administrative procedures are brought into line with these tools. Programme is easier to manage: –sets up clear procedures and applicant guidelines –improves communication between Managing Authority and projects –enables more rigourous assessment and selection and subsequent monitoring of projects by the programme Overall programme quality is improved. Conclusions: programme level
Main recommendations –To adopt the planning tools as a standard, especially for innovation and transnational projects –Adapt application forms and procedures to be in line with the standard –Build up the skills and provide ongoing support of project and programme managers Establish EU community of practice Training and accreditation schemes
Objective: professionalise ESF programme and project managers across Europe on the use of Sound Planning and Management methods, with special attention to PCM. To this end the CoP will provide a collaborative environment to exchange experience and good practice, blended training on PCM and, showcasing workshops in Bfr, IT and PL. The CoP in short
Project duration: October 2006-December 2007 Key events: Brussels, November 2006: Showcasing workshop Warsaw, January 2007: Showcasing workshop Turin, March 2007: Showcasing workshop Rome: February-June 2007 Blended training Cagliari, June 2007: summer school When and where
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