Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Competent, Modern, Transparent Bulgarian Administration Bilyana Raeva Director Management of Projects and.


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Presentation transcript:

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Competent, Modern, Transparent Bulgarian Administration Bilyana Raeva Director Management of Projects and Programmes Directorate Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform Bilyana Raeva Director Management of Projects and Programmes Directorate Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 9-12 October 2006 European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels 9-12 October 2006 European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 2 Participation of Bulgaria in the EU Cohesion policy

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 3 National Strategic Reference Framework, Vision By 2015 Bulgaria should become a competitive EU country with high quality of life, incomes and social awareness

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 4 National Strategic Reference Framework, Strategic goals: –Strengthen the competitiveness of the economy to achieve high and sustainable growth –Develop human capital to ensure higher employment, income and social integration

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 5 Strategic Programme Documents, Community Strategic Guidelines National Strategic Reference Framework Operational Programmes National Strategic Plan for Rural Development National Strategic Plan for Fisheries and Aquaculture OP Regional Development OP Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy OP Human Resources Development OP Administrative Capacity OP Environment OP Transport National Development Plan OP Technical Assistance

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 6 Operational Programme Administrative Capacity

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 7 Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Strategic Objective To build up a strong, effective and modern administration, able to meet the high expectations of Bulgarian citizens, the business sector and the European Union for good service delivery and high professional ethics. Competent and well motivated civil servants. Effective and transparent judiciary system providing the environment for economic growth.

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 8 Specific Objectives Good governance and enhancing the confidence of the Bulgarian citizens and the business sector in the administration and the judiciary system – 30% Modern human resources management in the state administration – 35% Enhancing the quality of service delivery and using information technology – 31% Operational Programme Administrative Capacity

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 9 Indicative Financial Framework, Total budget of OP AC, –EUR 180 mln 3.5 % of the total aid under the European Social Fund Ratio EU Funds/National co-financing –EUR 153/27 mln

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 10 Good governance WeaknessesOperations Complex administrative procedures, judiciary and regulatory systems Improvement of the transparency and accountability of the SA and judiciary system Insufficient PPP and outsourcing Better regulatory environment in the field Inefficient public dialoguePartnership in policy- making and delivery

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 11 Human Resource Development WeaknessesOperations Insufficient capacity of the SA Improvement of skills and competencies of civil servants Low motivation and efficiency Better management, career development schemes Low capacity for partnership Strenghtening the capacity of the civil society for dialogue and policy making

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 12 Quality Service Delivery WeaknessesOperations Lack of standards and performance control in service delivery Unification of standards, quality assesement and control Complex administrative services Integration of services delivery, easy access

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 13 Problems during the programming process Programming for 7 years instead of 2 Late approval of EU programming documents (Regulations, Common Financial Framework) For OPAC: new ESF priority, few examples of administrative capacity programmes existing The new MSAAR needed some time to fit in the institutional framework

Contact Details: Management of Projects and Programmes Directorate Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform Republic of Bulgaria Tel.: Fax: Bilyana Raeva Director Management of Projects and Programmes Directorate Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform Bilyana Raeva Director Management of Projects and Programmes Directorate Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform 15 With our Face to the People