Mediashakers OVERVIEW Introduction: personal and organisational Presentation of the Equal project Mediashakers Specific attention for the trans-national activities Conclusions including recommendations
Mira Media Aims and objectives To make cultural diversity part of the reality of television, radio, internet and print media To encourage the use of media as a tool to improve social cohesion in the society and to offer minority groups a voice of their own in the public debate. Activities a.o. Support of ethnic media professionals Training of multicultural organisations and spokespersons Interculturalisation of media companies Equal project Multiplce Choice ( ): Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choice
OLMCM is a European network of NGO's, broadcasters, training institutes and researchers, set up to make the European media more diverse both in terms of access to media jobs and of portrayal of minorities. It was established in Since then, it has initiated and coordinated projects and networks in the fields of: employment and training intercultural media education and career orientation audiovisual programme exchange support of minority media empowerment of minority audiences Research
Mediashakers Mediashakers brings together and offers: information, expertise and a broad network, knowledge and practical experience round entrepreneurship in the media Aim Equal participation of ethnic media professionals in the media industry by encouraging, promoting and support entrepreneurship. Objectives To develop media information- and support networks To map potential funding resources To empower 300 ethnic media professionals To promote business ventures
Mediashakers NATIONAL PARTNERS Mira Media – media and minorities Forum, Institute for Multicultural Development - the ethnic minority sector NFTVM. Association of new film and television makers - professional field Chamber of Commerce Utrecht - entrepreneur sector Online/More Colour in the Media - transnational activities
Mediashakers ACTIVITIES Training programme for 80 ethnic media professionals Seminars Information and consultation Inventory of needs and issues Researching funding resources Promoting and encouraging business ventures Encouraging business ventures with mainstream organisations and companies
Mediashakers TRAINING PROGRAMME (Five training modules) 1.Knowledge and tools on entreneurship in the media: 1 day/week, 3 months; strategy, administration, taxes, marketing, finances 2.Training and coaching:1 day/week, 3 months; in depth training and coaching resulting in a plan 3.Sweatshop: 1 day/week 3 months; participants working as a company on a training assignment 4.In practice: participants work on real assignments: during 3 months; independant with vouchers for support (advice, training, coacing) 5.Seminars and networkmeetings; during the projectperiod; based on current developments and needs from the participants
Mediashakers INTERIM RESULTS Training programme: 3 groups total of 31 participants already started; In October 2006 start of 2 new groups of 25 in total. Coordination and support desk: developed and functioning Website on line 4 meetings of the very motivated Operational partnership 2 meetings of the group of experts
Mediashakers TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP IMMEDIATE Pluriel Media – France – France 3 Audio Visual Entrepreneurship – UK – Skillset Mediashakers- NL- Mira Media Associate partner: The Umbrella Project – Sweden Trans-national coordinator: Online/More Colour in the Media TRANSNATIONAL PRODUCTS 4 thematic workshops Management Diversity Resources (publication) Short TV documentaries Study visits European seminar
Mediashakers CONCLUSIONS Growing consensus on and support for diversity in the media The number of skilled ethnic mediaprofessionals is growing NGOs have a lot of experience, expertise and projects on diversity in the media Unfortunately often no national governmental policies Transnational cooperation is highly dependant on EU funding Leading to short-lived ad hoc initiatives and little progress Biggest challenges are on implementation and mainstreaming More coherence and continuity is needed at the European level That means: solid policy and active measures are required!!
Mira Media CONTACT DETAILS Mira Media / Mediashakers Carmelita Serkei Mariaplaats LH Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: Fax: