PCM in EQUAL in BELGIUM Our (success) story Jenny CHARLIER Agence FSE Open days, october 2006
Launch of the first call Empowerment A few concise directives Open questions in the application document Self determination of the evaluation mode External evaluation of the preparatory phase and action 1 (6 governments)
Selection phase A large number of application forms Compulsory clusters Each partner is a final beneficiary Own money Increases the responsibility Each DP has to have a steering committee Action 1 consolidation but trying to maintain the initial specificities
Evaluation of the preparatory phase and action 1 Programmes level Avoid late clustering Difficulties of communication between DPs, ESF Agency and decision makers (due to the short timing) Need of earlier help of the TA Chosen procedure requires a decision at an early stage which means to be in a temporal dimension and not in the real content of a project Agreements are decisions of the 6 governements (heavy procedures to change ) decision on global objective
Evaluation of the preparatory phase and action 1 DPs Level Need for a more precise appreciation of the costs (budgetisation) Determination of requested competencies A good idea is not a project Difficulties to identify the common objective of the « clustered » DP Frequent confusion between objective, results and activities
Thematic animation (ESF Agency) Work on self evaluation : logical framework as reference Work on gender mainstreaming : logical framework as reference Participation to the steering committees of the DPs and identification of the need of tools (planning,management and monitoring) for coordinators and partners Validation of the Logframe by the DPs participating in the whole process
Reflexion on practices (ESF Agency and Decision Makers) Taking into account the results of external evaluation Improvement of the procedures Choice of the logframe as model of reference for the second call
Complete tool covering planification, monitoring and evaluation Need of a holistic approach The determination of the objective of a project results from the responses to the questions that partners have to tackle to complete the process Flexible tool (corrective actions are possible) Help for better budgetisation by a more precise evaluation of the realisation costs of a project Early determination of needed competencies (allow planification of staff training)
Review of procedures and reference documents Planification of second call Fixation a priori of the whole timetable and procedures Review of the application document (in a real simple way) Two steps call for proposal : manifestation of interest and application Organisation of meeting (exchanges) seminars on the projects ideas by theme at an early stage (before application) Organisation of training for the potential DPs in GM, self evaluation (and logframe) and interculturality Review of the evaluation framework for the external evaluation of the DPs
Selection phase Facilitation of the administrative and external evaluation Projects are more complete The project summary which was in annex of the governements decision took the form of the project logframe matrice Planification of a supervision of the process linked with the logframe at the ESF Agency level
After selection Training of all the DPs resource persons to the PCM method (financed by TA) Revision with experts in PCM of all the projects in view of the establisment of the national partnership agreement Establishment of a help desk Satisfaction test on the implementation of the PCM method with the active participation of the DPs
Close support and guidance for the DPs throughout the lives of the projects Setting of workshops oriented towards budget development, management, evaluation and monitoring Help DPs to move from the theory to practice On going evaluation in the perspective of a potential mainstreaming
Collaborative work with european partners Realisation of complementary tools Organisation of new trainig sessions for the DPs (newcoming staff) Conception and realisation of a guide « PCM easy »
Next steps Use of the PCM methodology for the new ESF programming period Conception of the documents (integrating the PCM) for the new ESF programming period : application forms, candidate guidelines,… Training of the whole ESF Agency staff Place at the disposal of the potential promoters of a mean of self-training tool Participation to the work of the italian grant, and more specifically organisation of a showcasting peerreview like on PCM in november 2006