Power Up Research Sources of Energy Renewable, Non-Renewable and Alternative Resources
Publisher Document Open the template from your Science Teacher’s Net School Site Immediately, click on “File,” “Save as,” and re-name the file. Last name_First Initial – Energy “Voutos_G – Energy”
Document Saved? Let’s Research 1. YOUR TEXTBOOK – Science pg. 145 – 151 There nine types of energy to choose from Fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, solar energy, geothermal energy and wind energy. You need to select TWO. 2. Next – Search the Library Catalog for books from the from non-fiction section and REFERENCE Books (LIBRARY) 3.Encyclopedia Britannica ONLINE
Selecting Resources – What is a DATABASE? Where is the library catalog? Library Catalog – Type your topic (energy, wind, geothermal, etc.) and click “subject.” DON’T just click ENTER – a subject search takes you to the resources that are SPECIFIC rather than general titles. Select a book, conduct another search OR just go to the shelves and browse…do you see the number? …among others!!! topic Click on “Subject”
Reference Section and Textbook Look in the 500’s Reference Section for Encyclopedias, Atlas, and other Reference in Science. Search in the table of contents, index and glossaries for information on your subject (Sources of Energy).
What is “Citing the Information?” Telling us WHERE you got your information from… Citing your sources gives the readers information about YOUR sources. If you did not make it up, is common knowledge (news, historical context, etc.) IT MUST BE CITED. Two main resources are being used in this assignment (print and electronic). Think – Where are the printed resources that you will be using? Electronic = ONLINE
Electronic Resources Our database for this project is Encyclopedia Britannica Online ( and search for your topic. When you find the article, just click and read the article. If you like the information, you may now cite it. To find the correct citation, click on “cite” and, YES: COPY and PASTE. Remember choose APA style. conservation. ( 2010). In Compton's by Britannica. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition:
Encyclopedia Britannica Online User name – tidwellms Password – titans Select – Middle School
EB On-Line is Encyclopedia Britannica Search for your topic: “alternative energy, soil, geothermal energy, wind.”
Select an article Select your article
Copy and Paste Citation Cite your article. Just Click on “Cite Article”
Books In your References you can cite a book by a single author Author, A.A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher Example: National Geographic Society Texas Science. Grade 6. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
Encyclopedias Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other multi- volume works often include editors instead of authors. Include the year of publication, title, volumes used, city and state of publication and publication house. Example Wiener, P. (Ed.). (1973) Dictionary of the history of ideas (Vols. 1-4). New York, NY: Scribner’s. editors year volume City and State Publisher
References (I cite too!!!) Apa formatting and style guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from ce/560/01/ Encyclopedia Britannica Printed and Software Image. (n.d.). Retrieved from software/oid html windmill: California hillside. [Photograph]. In Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Retrieved from nuclear energy: power plant cooling towers. [Photograph]. In Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Retrieved from
Rubric – How can you get a 100!!! Correctly saved and named your document. (10 points!) Use original words in providing your information. (50) NO COPY AND PASTE only for citations. Provide 5 pros and 5 cons for each category (two types of energy source) (25 points) Keep your format consistent and the information boxes correctly. (5 points) CITATIONS – 10 points
Sample Finished Product Gloria Voutos 1.Choose your topic (you need to have TWO types of energy). 2.5 GOOD things (PROS) 3.5 BAD things (CONS) 4.Name 5.Image 6.References (book and online) Gloria Voutos
This will help you in the 8 th. Grade SCIENCE TEST!!! Which process below uses carbon dioxide and the sun’s radiant energy to produce chemical energy? F Evaporation G Photosynthesis H Respiration J Decomposition Which of these resources will most likely be depleted first? F Wind G Solar energy H Fossil fuels J Water Page Exemplary means 100% EVERY TIME 7 th. Grade Science Research 8 th. Grade Science Review/Test 6 th. Grade Science Concept