To make a graph in Excel, first you have to highlight the data you want to graph. To do this, click and drag over the “blocks” you need. Be sure to include the top row of words and the left-most column of words so Excel will be able to label your graph. Notice how the top row, “Field Abiotics, QAL 1, QAL 2” etc., has been highlighted along with the left-most column, “Field Abiotics, Temp—Low, Waist, etc.” The box “17.2” is also part of the highlighted selection. CORRECT way to select data to put into a graph.
Notice the words in the left-hand most column and the top row have not been selected. Excel has no way to tell the graph what the key or axis labels should be! The NEXT slides show you the right way to do this!! Incorrect way to select data.
To make a graph in Excel, first you have to highlight the data you want to graph. To do this, click and drag over the “blocks” you need. Be sure to include the top row of words and the left-most column of words so Excel will be able to label your graph. Notice how the top row, “Field Abiotics, QAL 1, QAL 2” etc., has been highlighted along with the left-most column, “Field Abiotics, Temp—Low, Waist, etc.” The box “17.2” is also part of the highlighted selection. CORRECT way to select data to put into a graph.
To graph the data that is selected, click on the “Insert” tab, and in the Charts section, select the type of graph you need to create. This sample will make a bar graph.
1.Highlight the left-most column with the mouse 2.Press and HOLD the “Ctrl” key 3.Highlight the other columns you need with the mouse 4.Let go of both the “Ctrl” key and the mouse button 5.Click Insert, then click the graph you need To graph data columns that are not next to one another… Ta-da!
Excel puts the graph on the page with the data, but it is a separate item – you can click in the white area of the graph and move it around the page. You can also format the graph— the next slides show you how.
1.Click in the white part of the graph to select the graph. A pale border appears around the graph. 2.Click on the Chart Layouts section and select how titles, keys and axis labels will be displayed. 3.See the next slide to see the result.
The first Chart Layout was chosen. Notice that there is now a “Chart Title” text box on the graph. Clicking on the words “Chart Title” will let you edit them. See how they are highlighted here
1. Notice the title of the chart is now “Field Temperature” 2. Perhaps your data would be easier to understand if it was displayed with Temp-Low, Waist, High and Average along the X-axis, instead of all the groups. That’s easy to do! Click on the “Switch Row/Column” button and see what happens! 3. Now it’s easier to see what happened to the temperature at each height. Notice also, that the key has been expanded to show all the groups. This is done simply by clicking on the text box that contains the key and dragging to make it bigger, just like you would do it PowerPoint!
To put your finished graph into PowerPoint, go to Excel and click in the white area of the graph to select the graph. Copy it and then paste it into PowerPoint! Explore the Paste Options to get the one that’s best for you – usually one of the first two will be best. Avoid the last icon as it turns your graph into a picture and it will be harder to manipulate it in PowerPoint. Be safe! COPY from Excel, don’t cut your graph! Save your graph in Excel too, by saving the entire Excel file into your H-drive—use “save as” Don’t forget to save your PowerPoint frequently!