Groupement Européen de Coopération Territoriale European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation Gianluca Spinaci Committee of the Regions Unit for Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

Groupement Européen de Coopération Territoriale European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation Gianluca Spinaci Committee of the Regions Unit for Policy Analysis Open Days 2006, Brussels, 10 October

La coopération, quelles expériences? Cooperating, which experiences so far? Cooperation is boosted by increased number of borders and networking opportunities in enlarged EU But difficulties arise from differing legislative and regulatory frameworks Regional and local actors have felt the lack of proper and stable legal structures

GECT, quelles perspectives? EGTC, which perspectives? Regulation 1082/2006 Implementation Mise en ouvre R è glement 1082/2006 ?

Constituer un GECT, pourquoi? Establishing an EGTC, why? Governance tool and/or operational structure Territorial co-operation also beyond EU funding Legal personality of EGTC and responsibility of its Members (sometime limited)

Combien de GECT? How many EGTCs? EGTC evtz GECT GectGect EAYEAY EΟΕΣ A E C T EGTS Groupement Européen de Coopération Territoriale European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation

GECT, quel rôle pour l´État? EGTC, which role for the State? L´État, régulateur The State, regulator L´État, contrôleur The State, controller L´État, partenaire The State, partner

Règlement et clause de réexamen Regulation and review clause Implementation of Reg. 1082/2006 calls for a shared learning process and a wide inter-institutional partnership 1 August 2006 – 30 July 2007 Setting provisions at national level As from 1 July 2007 Full application, learning by doing Capitalise on experience and provide inputs to COM Report and proposals for amendments expected by 1 August ans max = +

GECT: quelle contribution du CdR? EGTC: which contribution from CoR? Partager l´experience Share experience (through platforms among practitioners and Institutions) Surveillance, alerte et recommandations politiques Political monitoring, alerting and advocacy (Impact Reports) Collectionner et analyser les Conventions et Statuts GECT Collect and analyse EGTC Conventions and Statutes (EU-wide register to be held by the CoR)

Gianluca Spinaci Committee of the Regions Unit for Policy Analysis tel Merci Thank you