Quantitative Numbers Qualitative Descriptions
What kind is easiest to graph? Quantitative
We collect data by Observing quantitative & qualitative information. We use data tables to collect the data. What makes a good data table? Title Neat & Organized Easy to read units Easy to use Anything else?
There are many types of graphs. Bar Histograms
What is the difference between a bar graph and a histogram? They look the same right? There are 2 differences Type of data Way they are drawn Bar Graph Categorical data Histogram Continuous data
There are many types of graphs Pie charts Line Graphs
Steps to making a graph 1.) Figure out What kind of graph you need. 2.) Label Come up with a title and label x & y axis. 3.) Scale Choose your scale-this is numerical…. 5’s, 10’s, decimals???? 4.) Data Plot your data on your graph! Easy!