Psych Major 101 SOAR Summer 2013 Everything you’ve always wanted to know about your undergraduate degree and more!
Welcome to the Psychology Department! We are impacted….that means we have more students than space available. What does that mean to me? Pre-recs! Students apply to the major & transfers meet extra requirements Our students: Over 1300 OF THEM! Majors Minor Pre-Majors (less than 60 units only)
Who’s Who Dr. Green Outgoing Department Chair Dr. Whitney Incoming Department Chair Dr. Chiappe Assistant Chair
Who’s Who Amy Jennings Undergraduate Advisor Connie Receptionist in PSY 100
Psychology Building 1 st Floor Psy 100 Main Office Forms, add/drop, withdraw 2 nd Floor Psy 206 Psych Resource Office Major/Minor apps, PSY 301, Syllabi 3 rd Floor Psy 314 Psych Student Study Center
PRO Psychology Resource Office Room PSY 206 PRO Guides – they will help guide you! Questions, concerns, advising appointments Student Resource Room (PSY 301, course syllabi) Graduate School Resource Room Career Resource Room Handouts Videos And more!
Getting Involved Student Orgs: PSA – open to all Psi Chi – GPA Psych 3.4, Overall 3.0 HFSA- human factors IOSA – I/O psychology PRO Guides – working with other students for the department, major advising PSA & Psi Chi Meet together – everyone is welcome!
Psychology Honors Program Eligibility (Requirements) -Must be admitted to the major -Minimum 3.25 overall GPA; 3.50 psychology GPA -Be able to commit for THREE semesters -Must have identified a faculty member willing to supervise their honors thesis project -To stay enrolled in program, must earn B” or higher in each Honors course to continue participation Curriculum -Completion: Honors Thesis Project + Four Honors courses (taken sequentially) -Other Curricular Requirements -Attendance at all Department Colloquium Series -Complete PSY 310 Intermediate Statistics (guaranteed registration) Benefits - Honors Certificate Separate Q & A with colloquium speakers -Access to PSY 342 (computer resources, mailboxes, break-out rooms)
Volunteer Opportunities Psych Related: PSY 499 – Research PSY 405 – Fieldwork 406 – PRO guides CRR (inside Peer Advising) Psych Day – Community Fair 2014 On Campus: SLD ASI Make a Difference!
Research Opportunities How do I find Research Opportunities? PRO resources Signs in Department Office Take courses with same professors Check website or handbook for faculty research interests Ask around (PSA meetings)
Research Opportunities What would I do? Most often: data collection data encoding data analysis literature reviews animal care computer data entry interviewing running subjects running statistical programs
Your Degree from CSULB!
Bachelors of Arts in Psychology Psych Major Checksheet Ethnic Studies/General Supporting Fields Need total of 120 units to graduate in Psychology at CSULB 53/54 units out of the 120 are Psychology units
Major Requirements Lower Division: PSY 100, 210, and 220 *Required to be in major* PSY 241 – psychobiology Core Courses: PSY 301 *1 st year in major*
Major Requirements Group 1 Courses: Two Courses (6 units) from list *beware of OR courses* Group 2 Courses: Two Courses (6 units) from list Group 3 Courses: Two Courses (6 units) from list NOT from same subgroup
Major Requirements 400 Level Courses: Any two 400 level PSY courses *No 499, limited 1 activity course* Psychology Electives: Two additional UD PSY Courses Supporting Fields: 1 ES course from list 1 UD course from approved departments (on ES list)
For New Transfers Take Intro Stats (PSY 210) or Research Methods (PSY 220) ASAP (if you haven’t already done so) Take Psychobiology (Psy 241) (if you haven’t already done so) Take PSY 301 in your 1 st year (online, team taught) Be careful of PreReqs!
Your Future Job after your BA? Resumes, interviews, job searches…where to start? Graduate School? MSW, MFT, MSIO, PhD, PsyD, MD…. what does it all mean???
PSY 301 Helps with all that and more! Must take 301 your 1st year in the Major (take as soon as you can!) Team taught! Any section works! All sections merged into one big class Orientations during 1 st & 2 nd week Class on BB Workshops & office hours on Campus
Where to go for help: Topic(s)Sample QuestionWho to see How to get there Advising (GE, Major, Minor in CLA) What do I need to graduate? Am I done with my GEs? ATLAS advisers In Ph1 room 104 (562) ng Make apt for advising session Drop in for quick question Psychology Course Equivalents, Study Abroad, Transfer from 4 year, AAT, psych course not counting Will this course count for my psych major? Amy Jennings Undergra dAdvisor for Psych Dept. Make an apt by going into room PSY 206 question Come to drop in hours Psychology related - questions, courses, grad school, jobs, internships, 301 What can I do with a psych degree? How do I apply for grad school? PROIn room PSY 206 (562) tments/psychology/pro Need a signature (add/drop), need a form, department approval/stamp, How do I get this signed? Where do I find this form or turn this form in? Dept office in PSY 100 In room PSY 100 (562) /departments/psychology/
Where to go for help: Topic(s)Sample QuestionWho to see How to get there Graduation filing, forms, turning in transcripts, questions about policies, special situations, Financial Aid, hold on account How/where do I file to graduate? How do I drop a class? Where do I find the forms I need? Enrollment services Brotman Hall – BH 100 (562) rollment/ rollment/forms Your Future – jobs, grad school, internships Which major is right for you? What can I do with my degree? What can I do after graduation? Is there someone I can talk to about what I can do after graduation? How do I find jobs in my area? Career Development Center (CDC) Brotman Hall – BH 250 (562) Make an appointment or drop in Workshops Counselors If you don’t know where to go or what to do – just ask at PRO!
PRO Contact Information Different ways to contact us: Visit us in Psy 206 Website: ents/psychology/pro Call us: Find PRO on:
Psychology Department Website Check for: Forms Handouts Events Updates Contact Info Equivalents Big Events Spring - Psych Day Fall – Psych Asylum Download Psych Major Handbook Check out the FAQ page!
Website Check for: Form Handouts Events Updates Contact Info Equivalents
Website Check for: Form Handouts Events Updates Contact Info Equivalents
Important Websites (PSY department website) (Peer Advising) (GE Info) (College of Liberal Arts Advising) (Key Enrollment Dates/Deadlines) (Enrollment Forms) (UCUA website) (CSULB Catalog) (Transfer Course Equivalents)
Thank you! Questions?
Open Psych Classes PSY TTh3:30 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 155LEC11AREA: B1aNL PSY TTh11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 150LEC18AREA: B1aNL PSY TTh2:00 PM3:15 PMAS Room 243LEC33AREA: B1aNL PSY TTh12:30 PM1:45 PMPH2 Room 126LEC45AREA: B1aNL PSY MW3:30 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 154LEC8AREA: D2, F PSY OnlineACT30 PSY OnlineACT34 PSY OnlineACT38 PSY OnlineACT41 PSY31008C18282TTh3:30 PM4:20 PMPSY Room 300ACT11 PSY31006B24248TTh1:30 PM2:20 PMPSY Room 300ACT18 PSY31004B4246TTh11:00 AM12:15 PMLA5 Room 271SEM19 PSY31009C28283TTh4:30 PM5:20 PMPSY Room 300ACT24 PSY31007C6484TTh2:00 PM3:15 PMPSY Room 154SEM35 PSY T7:00 PM9:45 PMPSY Room 148SEM12 PSY MW9:30 AM10:45 AMPSY Room 155LEC17 PSY TTh5:00 PM6:15 PMPSY Room 153LEC19 PSY TTh3:30 PM4:45 PMPH1 Room 219LEC45 PSY MW5:30 PM6:45 PMPSY Room 150LEC71 PSY TTh9:30 AM10:45 AMPSY Room 150LEC73 PSY TTh9:30 AM10:45 AMPSY Room 155LEC29 PSY TTh9:30 AM10:45 AMPSY Room 148LEC18 PSY MW12:30 PM1:45 PMPSY Room 148LEC14AREA: D2, F, Human Diversity PSY TTh3:30 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 148LEC25AREA: D2, F, Human Diversity PSY TTh5:00 PM6:15 PMHSCI Room 100LEC177AREA: D2, Human Diversity PSY TTh11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 153LEC8 PSY M7:00 PM9:45 PMPSY Room 155LEC29 PSY TTh11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 154LEC13AREA: D2, Human Diversity PSY TTh3:30 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 154LEC26AREA: D2, Human Diversity PSY MW11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 155LEC30AREA: D2, Human Diversity PSY MW11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 153LEC18 PSY MW3:30 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 148LEC29 PSY TTh9:30 AM10:45 AMPSY Room 154LEC27 PSY TTh2:00 PM3:15 PMPSY Room 153LEC34 PSY TTh8:00 AM9:15 AMPSY Room 150LEC33AREA: D2, E PSY F11:00 AM1:45 PMPSY Room 150LEC83AREA: D2, E PSY Th2:00 PM4:45 PMPSY Room 234LEC16 PSY TTh12:30 PM1:45 PMPSY Room 153LEC22 PSY MW11:00 AM12:15 PMPSY Room 148LEC11AREA: D2, F, Human Diversity PSY TTh2:00 PM3:15 PMCBA Room 139LEC70 PSY MW5:30 PM6:45 PMPSY Room 155LEC26 PSY TTh2:00 PM3:15 PMPSY Room 148LEC26