Welcome Parents and Student-Athletes
Athletics Purpose Promote the core values of character, sportsmanship, self-confidence, teamwork, unselfishness, responsibility, leadership, competitive spirit, quality decision making, and physical fitness.
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Krider Volleyball
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Walters Girls’ Tennis
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Nuehofs Girls’ Golf
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Foderetti Boys’ Golf
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Paneto Girls’ Soccer
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Rinehardt Boys’ Soccer
Meet the Head Coaches Coach van’t Veer Boys Cross Country
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Kreider Girls Cross Country
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Hall Football
Meet the Head Coaches Coach Wheelock Cheerleading
Get Connected – Articles, forms, scores, pictures and schedules VNN App – Scores, schedules, and directions Twitter –
Get Connected OHIO ALERTS – Coaches will send text messages reminders, updates, and changes to student-athletes and parents –
LJHS Eligibility All incoming 7 th graders are eligible for Fall sports Grades 7-8 To be eligible a student-athlete must have received passing grades in a minimum of five of all subjects in which enrolled the immediately preceding grading period(OHSAA) additionally must have a 2.0 GPA and no more than one “F” in the previous grading period (AACS).
LHS Eligibility All incoming 9 th graders must have passed a minimum of five of all subjects in which enrolled in the previous grading period (OHSAA) additionally must have a 2.0 GPA and no more than one “F” in the previous grading period (AACS). Grades 9-12 to be eligible, a student-athlete must have received passing grades in a minimum of five one credit courses, or the equivalent in the immediately preceding grading period (OHSAA) additionally must have a 2.0 GPA and no more than one “F” in the previous grading period (AACS).
LHS Eligibility Students enrolled in PSEO (Kent) classes should check with guidance to determine eligibility If a student-athlete has between a GPA and no more than one “F” the may qualify for Academic Intervention and become eligible. If a student enrolled in high school attains the age of 20 the student shall be ineligible to participate in high school interscholastic athletics.
ACMC Training Services MRS. Gloekler
Code of Conduct Found at lakesidedragons.org The provisions outlined in the code of conduct shall be in effect twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for the duration of the season (first day of practice until the last game or awards ceremony/banquet; whichever is later). This includes sports which commence before the beginning of the school year or extend beyond the end of the school year.
Code of Conduct If a student is truant from an assigned class period(s), he/she forfeits his/her opportunity to perform, or compete in the next scheduled contest after which the administration becomes aware of the truancy. Students may not compete, perform, or practice on days of an out-of-school suspension. Students may not attend an event on the days of an out-of-school suspension.
Code of Conduct Students displaying a pattern of habitual tardiness to a specific class will be referred to the building administration and will not be allowed to practice or compete until the situation is resolved Students in Athletic activities who are sent to Student Management Room (SMR) will forfeit his/her opportunity to perform, or compete in the next scheduled contest after which the administration becomes aware of the office referral. The Lakeside administration reserves the right to make decisions as needed to address specific issues that arise.
ATHLETIC CHAIN OF COMMAND If there is a problem or concern the following chain of command should be used 1 st Assistant/Position Coach 2 nd Head Coach 3 rd Athletic Director 4 th Building Principal
Attendance Excessive tardiness to school may results in loss of contests. Student-Athletes arriving past 9:00 AM may not participate in practice or contests on that day. Five unexcused absences from school will result in removal from the team. (proposed) Students who receive advanced administrative approval may not be subject to the above guidelines. Final authority for infractions of this rule will rest with the principal or designee.
Social Media If a student athlete fails to adhere to the LAKESIDE HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES this may result in consequences that include suspension from the team and may be subject to additional penalties imposed by Lakeside administration.
Practice/Conditioning Practice is not mandatory until official start date August 1 Pre-season conditioning is not mandatory but highly recommended Practice sessions are closed to parents and public Indoor scrimmages are closed to parents and public.
Athletic Boosters President Kim Hamilton Meet the first and third Monday of each 6:30 in the Lakeside Media Center.
Activity Fees STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE SCHEDULE OF FEES Lakeside High School Lakeside Junior High School Athletics $200 Athletics $ 100 PAYMENT DEADLINES 8/1/15 (Saturday) All athletes are required to pay the Student Activity Fee prior to the first day of the official practice/tryouts..Students will not be permitted to participate in any practice session (including tryouts) before this fee is paid.
Sporting Behavior of coaches, Student- Athletes and Spectators Set good examples by respecting opponents and their fans Respect the judgment of the officials Maintain enthusiasm and composure Recognize outstanding play on either side of the field/court Cheer for your team do not boo the opponents Any spectator who is removed from an event cannot attend the next two events (AAC Bylaws)
Required Forms OHSAA Physical (all SIX pages completed) Concussion awareness form Emergency Medical Authorization Insurance Waiver Code of Conduct Agreement Social Media Guidelines OHSAA Eligibility Checklist All forms are
Admission Prices Prices Set by the All American Conference Football – Varsity $6 Gate – JV/9 th /JH $4 Adult $2 Student Volleyball – Varsity/JV/9 th $6 Adult $4 Student – JH $4 Adult $2 Student Soccer – Varsity $6 Adult $4 Student – JH $4 Adult $2 Student LHS Season Pass – Adults $90 /Students $50
The All American Conference 21 Teams divided into three tiers Most Lakeside teams are in the Red Tier Red Tier – Boardman – Austintown Fitch – Canfield – Howland – Youngstown East – Poland Tiers are realigned every two years based on competiveness Lakeside will have more games with Edgewood and Jefferson Junior High schedule based on geography We can and will be competitive in the AAC
Upcoming Events June 6 th, Athletic Boosters Golf Scramble June 8 th, Jarrod Bunch Youth Football Camp June 9 th, Free ACMC Physicals, LHS 9-3 June 23-24, Elementary Basketball Camp June 25-26, Elementary Volleyball Camp August 1, Fall season begins August 8 th, Fall Sports Pictures
Thank You and Good Luck to all student-athletes, families and coaches this fall season
Meet with Coaches – Football: Auditorium – Girls’ Tennis: Media Center – Volleyball: Large Group Instruction Room – Cheerleading: Cafeteria – Girls’ Golf: A115 – Boys’ Golf: A117 – Girls’ Soccer: SMR – Boys’ Soccer: Coach Rinehardt’s Room – Cross Country: A119