Bilingual Russian-English Online Cyber Security Curriculum Sanjay Goel, Damira Pon, & Kevin Williams University at Albany, State University of New York Sponsored by the United States Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) U.S. – Russia Program #aln2011
Why are we doing this? What are we doing? What have we learned? Where do we go from here? Who are we?
Student Exchange & Blended Learning Shared Distance Learning Cyber Security Classes
SUMMER – Blended Learning FALL – Distance Learning Language Academy & Cultural Trips Joint UA/BMSTU Courses Information Security Fundamentals Digital Forensics Risk Analysis (UA) Security Policies (UA/BMSTU) Mathematical Models of Security OR Security Implementation (BMSTU)
September 1 – January 24/25 February 8/9 – June 15/30 1 st Semester 2 nd Semester 3-5 Weeks of Exams 2 Week Break 3-5 Weeks of Exams 8 Week Break Academic Year 6-year Program for Engineer Specialist Degrees General Engineering (Year 1 & 2) Specialized Subjects (Begins Year 3) Work in University Labs (Year 3 – Senior Year) Work in Industry & Research Institutes (Senior Year)
COURSE UNITS (14 in each course) 3-credits each weeks (semester-length) OR 4-8 weeks (accelerated) 2 hr. 45 min. worth of material Assessment (30 – 40 min. after several units) MODULES (approx. 5 per unit) Introduction Module 5-10 min. Topic Modules (3) 25 min. each Summary Module 5-10 min. Activity, e.g. Case, Lab, Exercises, Discussions 60 min. Assessment min.
Course Learning ObjectiveAssessments Collect and analyze data from different sources including computers, mobile devices, and routers Ability to perform forensic analysis through lab exercises Able to analyze log files to identify intrusions/attacks Lab exercises, in-class exams Able to prepare legally admissible forensics evidence Moot courts used to measure ability to prepare legally permissible evidence Example: Digital Forensics Course
Девушка? Devushka? Матрёшка? Matroyoshka? Бабушка? Babushka?
Source: “Mix it! Stretch It! Boil It! Burn Copper! Burn!” Naruto. Season 4. Episode 168. Viz Media.
Course Management Software Streaming Video
European Regional Academy of Caucasus, Yerevan, and Armenia Европейская региональная академия на Кавказе, Ереван, Армения ԵՎՐՈՊԱԿԱՆ ԿՐԹԱԿԱՆ ՏԱՐԱԾԱՇՐՋԱՆԱՅԻՆ ԱԿԱԴԵՄԻԱ
Graduate Certificate in Information Security Approved Fall 2011
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