The Standardised Data Set (SDS) Project Julie Olarenshaw Director SDS Project Australian Customs Service
Presentation Outline Australian Environment Project Background Progress to date Data Harmonisation / Scope SDS / Single Window Options
Australian Environment Australian environment There are advantages to living on an island Trade Statistics Customs Integrated Cargo System (ICS)
Background At present there is no whole of government approach to the collection of international trade data in Australia 2004 Review of maritime security Whole of Government Project endorsed in 2004 Report outcomes to Government
Project Deliverables Australian Standardised Data Set –For international trade –Developed in conjunction with relevant government agencies Single Window –An options paper exploring possible Single Window solutions for international trade building on the Australian SDS
SDS Program of Work Compile Business Case Socialise Business Case Prepare Submission Compile Business Case Socialise Business Case Prepare Government Report Individual Agency Data AnalysisBuild & Harmonise the Australian SDS Seal The Australian SDS Standardised Data Set Individual Agency Data AnalysisBuild & Harmonise the Australian SDS Seal The Australian SDS Individual Agency Data AnalysisBuild & Harmonise the Australian SDS Seal The Australian SDS Standardised Data Set Develop Architecture Options Cost Benefits Analysis Integrated Risk Assessment Options Governance Options Delivery Options Single Window Business Case Develop Architecture Options Cost Benefits Analysis Integrated Risk Assessment Options Governance Options Delivery Options Develop Architecture Options Preliminary Cost Benefits Analysis Integrated Risk Assessment Options Governance Options Delivery Options Single Window Business Case Project Initiation Methodology Development (Pilot) Agency & Industry Engagement Project Initiation Methodology Development (Pilot) Agency & Industry Engagement Feb 05Mar 05Apr 05May 05Jun 05Jul 05Aug 05Sep 05Oct 05Jan 05Feb 05Mar 05Apr 05May 05Jun 05Jul 05Aug 05Sep 05Oct 05Jan 05
Project Governance ExecutiveSenior User Enterprise Architecture Customs Director IT Architecture Project Assurance Project Management IMPC Project Management Consultant Australian SDS Customs Director Data Management Business Case Customs Director Information Standards and Harmonisation Implementation of Election Decisions Customs Internal Audit Customs’ Project Board Project Sponsor National Manager IDC:ABS,Customs,DoFA AQIS, Defence, DFAT, DIMIA, DoTRS, PM&C Project Board Project Management Project Director Project Manager Team Manager Team: 1 Team Manager Team: 2
Project Progress Project Plan and Governance Framework accepted Contact made with Government Agencies & Industry Interdepartmental Committee established Standardised Data Set (SDS) methodology formulated Data collection completed via questionnaire Data matching to WCO Data Model / UNTDED Agency & Industry Workshops conducted International experience Legal advice commissioned Version 1.0 of the SDS completed Options report for government in final stages Website established
The Australian SDS A set of data mapped to internationally endorsed benchmarks (WCO Model - UNTDED) for the submission of: –Import, export and transit international trade data –Cargo, conveyances and crew.
Data Analysis Progress 41 Government Agencies –7,649 data elements collected –275 paper forms –Electronic screens (uncounted) –Reduced to 3,993 with the elimination of “same as” elements within agencies –Harmonised to 637 in Version 1.0
Data Harmonisation 22 Agencies collect the name of the exporter On 118 different forms Used 212 time on those 118 forms Described in 61 different ways Required in 16 different formats, ranging from 20 to 300 characters in length The Australian SDS has standardised all of these to one data element (Exporter Name) of 35 (2) characters in length.
Use Case Representation for Each Agency
Investigating the SDS / Single Window Options
Single Window Definition UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33 A facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export and transit related regulatory requirements. If information is electronic, then individual data elements should only be submitted once.
Benefits of a SW Benefits for Government –Supply chain security increased –More effective and efficient deployment of resources –Correct revenue yields –Improved trader compliance –Increased accuracy of trade figures Benefits for Industry –Reduced cost of compliance –Faster clearance and release –Predictable application and explanation of rules –Effective and efficient deployment of resources
Structure and Services Who: Government Ports / Airports Business Other Nations What: B2G – G2B G2G – N2N B2B Border Clearance Permits Business International Why: Security Facilitation Competition Features: Single Point of entry/response Integrated risk Trusted traders security partners Data storage Reporting Process standardisation Fee consolidation Paperless Standardised data UCR Service agreements How: Agreed international standards, legal, policy, privacy, access & security, mutual recognition, international agreements, capacity building
Australian Single Window Business Context Goods InvoiceChargesPays SentReceived Carrier Australian Exporter (Supplier/ Agent) Australian Importer (Customer/ Agent) ExportImport Conveyance Forwarder Single Window Domain Compliance Functions (For clearance of Conveyance, release of goods and collection of duties) Cargo Report Goods Declaration Goods Declaration Releases Communicates Permit/ Licence/ Certificate Permit/ Licence/ Certificate Conveyance Report Clearance Statistics Approval Functions (Permissions required in order to conduct International Trade)
SDS / Single Window –the SDS option explores the impact of introducing the SDS into the current environment without the implementation of a Single Window system. –which is effectively a whole of government information collection system for trade activity and a messaging system that would translate and pass information to the appropriate authority’s existing systems. –would provide a mandatory single point of submission and a single point of response for all government related international trade activities. This option provides a comprehensive view of international trade activity, an opportunity for increased integrated risk assessment and more complete statistical reporting. –seeks to maximise the use of “international” trade data. Here, export data (provided by exporters or other governments) could be used to pre-populate and validate import and transit data. This would be dependent on having a Unique Consignment Reference (UCR) or other supply chain track and trace system in place. Option D development would be in concert with B or C above. Option A: Implement the SDS into Current Environment Option B: Front-End with Single Window Capabilities Option C: Fully Functional Domestic Single Window Option D International Single Window
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